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Everything posted by fatstick445
c straight buggin bro that clip was takin 40 mins prior to when u pulled me i punched him twice and he shot me whippty fucking due and that was that. bro didn't lose his shit nothing i was joking around and i told him that after the clip was ended and even told the cop i was joking it was a joke and he got mad then you perma ban me for pos get over yourself i haven't had any issues with anyone till now since ive been unbanned . i cant even take this serious bro so ridiculous and unjustified asf . when i even got unbanned i apologized to the admins for causing a issue everything was cool also i havent had 59 minutes of playtime since ive been unban ive played for the last 4 days getting a job and actually rping what the fuck are you talking about
Your Character or Steam Name: fatstick445-jacob solivan Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): Your Discord ID#: yuioq. Reason for ban: no clue fn didn't even explain the shit too me pulled me out of nowhere saying i had extensive pos after I haven't did shit after I got unbanned. just been playing the game. bytes always had some against me dudes throwing permas out like its fucking candy cause I have pos shits crazy work and the dude that was with him that reported me ig said i hit him with a bat? i wasn't hitting anyone with a bat i was dealing with another stupid ass situation after i was arrested for no reason and after i was asking him why he pulled me he banned me... Length of ban:perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): n/a i didint do anything wrong ive just been playing the game i haven't rdmed nothing ive been actually doing shit on their Why should you be unbanned? cause i feel like perma banning me was unnecessary asf considering i haven't got warned or had any issues except today ive been chillin Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Cant Join the server keep saying disconnected by server
fatstick445 replied to BabyBankFull's topic in Solved
bros alting -
Woahh buddy unprofessional I live breath eat sleep gmod mr admin I can’t get off GMOD TO SAVE MY LIFE AND FOR YOY TO SAY THAT TOO ME HURTS MY FEELINGS YOU FUCKER How about you go !some bitches
is there a higherup i can speak to about this?
this dude just throwing out permas hes a dork demote this clown
you are lying out your ass no one said anything about me reading the rules bro you joking and laughing in that sit then entire time you never said shit about my priors except when you taunted you where perma banning me and i have multiple cops that can vouch i have full intent to role play you are just weird. that's the issue I never knew the van was a non collide until you where taunting in the fucking sit dude and i said loud and fucking proud i was gonna see you in the forums good try tho i did not know he couldn't hit me with the van i thought he could so i shot at him is that or is that not a violent crime i tried to tase him twice before he even decided to hop in the van. whats this shit about punch minge ? that has 0 things to do with this situation bringing up past shit i had nothing going as a job on the server then, so yes i did fuck around but these recent times i most defiantly have intent to roleplay if I didn't I wouldn't have waited hours to get trained. moron btw one of those got appealed you can clearly see he tried to hit me when he was turning and bro told me to kill myself??? and he didint actually die so it would be ARDM not rdm if he didint actually die holy shit thats crazy just provided the evidence i didint kill him. tell em to cut the clip shorter to where i shot my taser 2 times??? wheres that at ??? your just showing the end of the encounter bub? not to mention the outlandish shit he was saying but no that's not in the clip or it doesn't showing him blocking the dragged suspect from moving your evidence is weak. i didint just walk up to the guy and say he was under arrest.. lol what a joke he was also taking dragged suspects and walking away with them ask Grant Williams im pretty sure he was the one i was on patrol with he witnessed it all we gave the guy at least 6 warnings before it escalated that far.... also you never said shit about a fair length you joked and taunted about perma banning me absolute liar
Your Character or Steam Name:Robert Saxton Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:570507766 Your Discord ID#:yuioq. Reason for ban: RDM POS Length of ban: Perma Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This whole encounter started after a white shirt was obstructing justice while me in a officer where making an arrest he tried to flee and I missed my taster. while I was reloading my taser he tried to run me over with mind you before the sit I did not know the truck was a no impact I was never informed in that so I shot at him after I moved out the way of the car he was still alive and driving the car that's why i was confused cause I really didint think i killed him but I guess I did. he was explaining that too me than proceeds to say "well go reapply for cop in a day" I had no prior warning it was a simple mistake I told em he's a dumb ass than he goes to ban me seeing that I was just recently unbanned a week ago im pretty sure. he taunts me then says " how about I make this a perma " while chuckling. I said do it ill see you in the appeal forum and he did it. the guy from the jump was pure disrespectful for no reason I had no warnings as a cop i was just learning and it was a simple mistake and I get perma like I threatened to dox some one or threatened to ddoss the server I made a mistake I did not know the trucks had no impact and that is my fault I was never told that Why should you be unbanned? because I made a simple mistake as a cop and I will take disciplinary action from them but people make mistakes all the time. I feel the staff situation was too harsh considering people get 2 3 day bans for stuff much worse. i get that i have priors but i really didint do anything to get banned it was a mistake Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
can somebody get to my appeal? been 2 days
group of 3 people who harrassed dumb ass. you are friends with them you arent a good mod at all in fact multiple people can vouch i went to the sit and you where trolling me with them saying"niggas" mad like you dont deserve mod farfetched is crazy considering they told you to get on where were you when i tried to make a sit on them???? no sir i didint think it was a big deal i just decided to mention it but he said "niggas mad" like 2 3 times then banned me so nothing racial it was just very unprofessional that incident was after they did that shit try again. lol and multiple people have had issues with you bro its baffling knowing you are still staff you are a minge bro promise you their was a ticket bro i made 2 and my friend can confrim that he also plays the server and he was with me when they where doing that shit
Your Character or Steam Name: John Fahlistro Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): not sure Your Discord ID#:yuioq. Reason for ban: RDM x3 Length of ban:2 weeks Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I got banned for 2 weeks for killing 3little British kids who kept harassing me and I think they were friends with the admin I made reports on them and no one helped me so I shot them then they clipped it and go their admin friend on me and the dude was mad weird calling me a "nigga" seems a bit unprofessional I feel it could've been handled differently and he should've made them get away from me all I was trying to do was sell my oil and these little nerds kept saying "OYK nigga " and calling me a pussy what else was I supposed to do 2 staff where online and I made a report about it and I was never gotten back too they only clipped the part of me killing them not the shit they where saying and doing I was minding my business Why should you be unbanned? cause I was minding my business I'm just coming off a 5 day ban that was lifted for it being unjustified why would I join back just to get banned again makes no sense Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
yea the histroy of that was over a year ago dude??? i havent got introuble on the server since that you extending my band for a silly punch minge that I really wasn't even doing I was doing it to the people that where doing it to me but the lift of the ban was completely unjustified the rdm was revenge rdm now tell me how many times did i report the same kid for rdm and you did absolutely nothing but repossess my weapons when I died in sent me back and not too mention you had a little attitude in the sit you cant expect to me just sit their in take that stuff. im fine that you banned me but for 15 days is absolutely ridiculous and you know it you were completely unfair in the situation and your way of controlling the situation as a staff member was garbage. I'm willing to work to get this corrected again I'm sorry for the staff diss but it wasn't for no reason so don't get it twisted. you know well I'm not on that server to troll specially if i joined a crime family and actually hours in to get the position I'm in on their you are trying to make it seem like i am strictly trolling hell the people who where vdming the whole server got a 1 or 2 day ban despite all the reports .
Your Character or Steam fatstick445/John Fahlistro Your SteamID (Click to retrieve) 570507766 Your Discord ID#:yuioq. Reason for Punch minge and rdm which is weird cause other guy hasn't faced any consequences but I'm the one that gets a 15 day ban for that and I haven't been banned or warned of any type in over a year for something as goofy as that even if that was this case which it was not. I shouldn't get hit with a heavy ban for something as silly as that. I got frustrated with the admin because he kept pulling me for stupid reasons I had submitted reports over and over again and nothing was done about mine half the time I didn't even get a response from the team. But as soon as I do something about it I get hit with a ban it makes 0 sense Length of ban: 15 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):I'm sorry to the admin I got disrespectful with I just felt you where being more then unreasonable with me despite the fact you did nothing to the kids who rdmed me. I'm sorry I got disrespectful wasn't a good choice on my part Why should you be unbanned? I genuinely have a good time on the server it is fun and I enjoy my time on their I'm not their to minge or cause any stressful events on the server that's why I'm asking for another chance and next time I will just clip the encounter I don't know anything about punch minging Tho I hit the guy who hit me I wasn't going up to randoms and hitting them for no reason doesn't make much sense but ok. Thanks for your time. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):