Your Character or Steam Name:Robert Saxton
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:570507766
Your Discord ID#:yuioq.
Reason for ban: RDM POS
Length of ban: Perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This whole encounter started after a white shirt was obstructing justice while me in a officer where making an arrest he tried to flee and I missed my taster. while I was reloading my taser he tried to run me over with mind you before the sit I did not know the truck was a no impact I was never informed in that so I shot at him after I moved out the way of the car he was still alive and driving the car that's why i was confused cause I really didint think i killed him but I guess I did. he was explaining that too me than proceeds to say "well go reapply for cop in a day" I had no prior warning it was a simple mistake I told em he's a dumb ass than he goes to ban me seeing that I was just recently unbanned a week ago im pretty sure. he taunts me then says " how about I make this a perma " while chuckling. I said do it ill see you in the appeal forum and he did it. the guy from the jump was pure disrespectful for no reason I had no warnings as a cop i was just learning and it was a simple mistake and I get perma like I threatened to dox some one or threatened to ddoss the server I made a mistake I did not know the trucks had no impact and that is my fault I was never told that
Why should you be unbanned? because I made a simple mistake as a cop and I will take disciplinary action from them but people make mistakes all the time. I feel the staff situation was too harsh considering people get 2 3 day bans for stuff much worse. i get that i have priors but i really didint do anything to get banned it was a mistake
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