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  1. who doesnt cheat on gmod? like be so fr. yall dont ban cheaters, yall ban cheaters who get caught. ayden is a retard but he's a good guy. unban him fr. not like he does anything combat related anyway dude is a court discord roleplayer.
  2. Not going to look pretty when your boss sees this!
  3. +1 only if a script is added to make her permanent spawn in the jail cells.
  4. Like most factions, it's impossible to join us at character creation! You must be transferred in by faction leadership and the only way to do that is to ask!
  5. Horrendous attitude, especially from a senior staff member. We were never a nuisance, and we are eager to re-join the server's roleplay environment.
  6. The Nation of Islam is RETURNING to New York City! The Minister Warith D. Muhammad is asking for all of the Black Men and Women in the Wilderness of America to seek refuge under our banner, and Muhammad's Mosque No. 7. Escape the gang lifestyle and devote yourself to God and your community. Brother Secretary Martin Ali of the Muhammad’s Mosque No. 7 instructs all of the downtrodden and spiritually oppressed Black men and Women of New York to seek out the Fruit of Islam with determination and submit themselves to the Grace of the One-True-God, Allah. Muhammad’s Mosque No. 7 has promised to provide shelter, food, and an escape from gangs and crime to Brothers and Sisters courageous enough to better themselves through the Muslim program and the teachings of Allah and His Messenger. Furthermore, the Nation of Islam in New York is hiring full and part time for the following positions: Restaurant Manager Restaurant Staff Final Call Editor Final Call Writer Final Call Journalist Final Call Photographer Interested parties may apply! Now accepting recruits @ https://discord.gg/X552FtPKw8!
  7. Ruffian

    Ban Appeal

    I feel the "Evidence" is severely lacking in context. I personally, @Rho, @Andy, @cordelier, and many others have pulled all sorts of weapons out on these guys and warned them to leave us the fuck alone, to fuck off, they ATTACKED us, and when they pull up with a teched out full-auto screaming "Sup Pussy!", we aren't allowed to kill them?
  8. Ruffian

    Ban Appeal

    +1 These "jews" were following us around spamming "N**GER" in the /yell, unironically minging. If you checked the chat logs, you would see they spammed "N**GER" around 50~ times. After this, they pistol whip Andrew and run away. Then, they follow us around and harass us non-stop. They refuse to let us engage in roleplay or meet in private, and they follow us all the way to the crack-house where we buy a door and threaten them that unless they leave, they will die. Keep in mind, these people have followed us around despite MULTIPLE warnings to leave or we will fuck them up, they pistol-whipped Andrew, and then they came back as White Shirts and they refused to leave under pain of death. They fully knew what they were doing, and I think its odd they can go around minging and then stand on some pedestal when they get shot.
  9. Again, I'm NOT in this video. I have a white player model. You can even hear that its Andrew and Julius... not me. Once again, I'm no where in this video. You didn't make a judgement call, you just saw a prop in the logs and didn't even bother to talk to me first. I spawned the prop in ON ACCIDENT. I was looking at what prop Julius was using to minge with and I clicked and instantly deleted it. Notice that the prop I spawned in, I spawned in only once and immediately deleted (not sure if logs check that). Idle curiosity isn't a malicious intent on my part. I think, it's a really shitty judgement call when you have clear video evidence on one specific party prop minging and decide to rope me in with them, even though I did nothing but wear the hijab given to me by my friend. Had no idea you couldn't reverse the blacklist- apologies that I'm not well versed in the rules. I wanted to ask why my flags were revoked and you refused to explain why you took then and linked a video of Julius prop minging. Point being, you've provided PLENTY of evidence that Julius (and Andrew) should have been investigated, but my only crime was clicking a button on my spawn menu while I was driving and then deleting the prop .5 seconds later. I didn't abuse my flags, I didn't kill anyone, all I did was wear a weird Arab suit given to me by a friend and sit in a car with my pal @Rho while he drove me around. I would have appreciated at least a staff sit or any form of communication and I could have explained all of this to you in-game. Instead, you jumped to conclusion and blacklisted me on pure speculation.
  10. Yeah, he also refused to tell me why my flags were taken.
  11. Your Name: Osman Onion SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76487077 Staff Member involved: Falcon What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet ABUSE Reason for blacklist (if given): PET Abuse Why should they be returned?: The staff member blacklisted my flags with this clip as the reason, https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iYnL4A4Fi2slOfYHf/oYPvTA2cnMoZ?invite=cr-MSx2dHosMjUzNzg5ODAyLA That would be a good reason to blacklist someone's flags, except the person in the video isn't me. I'd expect a staff member would put the bare minimum effort into identifying people- especially when issuing a permanent flag blacklist. <-- This is the guy in the video, AKA Julius. Ok, then this is my character. I'm clearly NOT black, nor do I have a sniper on my back. Other than that, maybe check logs and you'll see I only spawned that prop in once and it was while I was driving, on accident. I never prop abused.
  12. Just goes to show how dismissive you are to this new player who wanted to roleplay as a criminal. Also, "you stated it yourself multiple times your sole intention of the character is to mug until a faction gets added." - What does this even mean? His faction? He only met us the other night, he didn't know about the faction until we roleplayed with him and tried to get him out of the crime lifestyle. You're just talking out of your ass to justify this inane PK. How could it be a "mugging character" until his faction gets added if he didn't even know about the faction until after he already dedicated himself to roleplaying as a criminal?
  13. Yeah, @Rho, @Pendred, and I personally saw this. Character 'Burt Cocaine' would get cop-cuffed when he was ziptied. Great job pointing that out Tungee, it was just baseless speculation because this was a real bug that happened.
  14. Yeah, if Anzati bothered to check the notes he would see I issued a note to Tungee for transferring items across characters. I'm not sure why he's being PK'd for the Tito giving him items thing because he was given a note as was approved by @Pendred. Rhodesia, AKA 'Warith'. and myself were given temporary staff permissions for some upcoming server development purposes (we were checking out some items), and we were given a special permission to intercede on this affair when we noticed he was doing an item transfer across characters. Warith, aka Rhodesia, did not receive any items/money in exchange for whatever item he gave Tungee because they roleplayed for 30 minutes after we ran into eachother post-staff sit. But I guess you can't log-check the roleplay, can you? Appalling that this new player was insulted by a senior admin and called a 'noob' and 'degenerate' because he bothered to roleplay with Rhodesia and I, despite the fact we've never met him before until we selflessly took times out of our days to uphold the server rules.
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