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  1. im not coping, the only meaningful thing i lost was access to kosher. being in the faction was all i ever cared about because it meant i could hang out with really cool people who i've met in kosher, and thats a bit disappointing because im prob not gonna be able to hang out with them again
  2. i respected you a lot but ok
  3. ok, but i wasnt killed lol
  4. motherfucking

    pk appeal

    Name of Character: Raijin Inoue SteamID: STEAM_0:0:511374435 Your Discord ID#: motherfucking Date of PK: 07/13/2024 Reason for PK: I have absolutely no idea. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was standing still and I got PK'd. I wasn't even killed, I was just talking to some dudes and I got char banned. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I don't have a video, but here's a screenshot of the PK message.
  5. Again, this clip just proves my point. You can see in the clip that she immediately reloads her gun upon pulling it out, further adding to my point that I believed we were in imminent danger. When she does finish reloading, she immediately begins to run; you cannot tell the difference between a gun on safety and a gun not on safety when someone is running. Even if it was on safety when she was reloading, that doesn't mean anything, because then she immediately sprints around the corner, making me think that she's getting into cover. I turned the corner when she was already halfway down the hill, and again, she was still running when I was shooting. Even if her back is turned, and no matter how far away she is, you still can't make the argument that I knew for sure that she was an idle threat, because I was not aware that her gun was on safety, and nowhere in the rules does it stipulate that how far a person is from you, what direction they are facing, or where they are going contributes to them being an idle threat. And again, you've completely ignored her hypocritical argument. She, and I'd like to reiterate that she admitted this, pulled a gun because she believed we were a threat, which is entirely based on the context that we have had beef, yet she's arguing that this same logic doesn't apply to me and that I can't be given the benefit of the doubt. You refuse to look at any of this from my perspective.
  6. Your Character or Steam Name: Jalopy22222 Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:511374435 Your Discord ID#: motherfucking Reason for ban: ARDM Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): It wasn't ARDM. Why should you be unbanned?: I was banned for ARDM on the basis that I tried to kill someone when they were an idle threat, this isn't true. Here's the context. Me and two of my friends were driving around, we stopped next to the church so that I could sell some weed to the NPC. Coincidentally, a player who we've had repeated incidents with is standing right there and pulls a gun when we arrive. Thinking that we're about to get shot, I also pull a gun, and she runs around the corner, heading towards Little Italy. I follow, and as she's running down the hill, I fire off a few shots, which I'm not even sure hit her, and then she turns around and stares back at me. I realize that she wasn't gonna do shit, so I stop firing and got outta there. The entire basis of her argument is that she was an idle threat and that it was ARDM because of that. The definition of RDM in the rules themselves is 'randomly killing players', and the rules regarding the difference between an active threat and an idle threat state: 'Users may kill for an active threat but they may not kill for an idle threat'. Neither was the act random, because in the sit that followed she admitted to the fact that we had prior history and that she pulled the gun because she 'didn't want to get mugged', nor was it even a kill, emphasized by the fact that I stopped firing because I realized it would constitute a rule break if I did kill her, and that the whole thing was a misunderstanding. If it was ARDM, then I would've kept firing, because it would've been my intention to just randomly kill a player, but that clearly isn't the case. Her reasoning for pulling a gun is completely hypocritical; it's excusable for her to resort to pulling a weapon when she believes that I intend to mug her, based entirely upon the beef we've had, but when I see this and respond in kind due to the same reasoning, I get in trouble? It's ludicrous. I was given the space of a few seconds to reason whether or not she had the intention of starting a shootout, or just put her gun on safety, which I couldn't even identify because she immediately ran behind a corner. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I don't have a clip, but no doubt either her or the admin that handled the sit will reply soon enough with the clip she provided, which will prove my points.
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