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Posts posted by Reaper

  1. I warned the guy once, and he was just a minge blocking a door to an NPC for literally zero reason, not tryna RP just standing in front of a door with it partially open so people cant go in.

  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Reaper

    Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:27460739

    Your Discord ID#: yourlocalidiot_

    Reason for ban: RDM

    Length of ban: 3 days

    Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Sort of both.

    Why should you be unbanned?: I understand the reason for the ban. I shot a guy who was intentionally blocking the door to a place with an NPC I wanted to get ammo at (gunstore), and apparently I need to give him more warning. That's my bad, and while the guy shouldn't have been blocking that door, I shouldn't have just shot him when he refused to move. But anzati said the ban would be a one day, and after waiting out yesterday and trying again today, apparently it's a three day? I don't really feel like that's right, as the only other time I've been banned was like a year ago for some dumb shit with my cop character being off duty, idk what the second PO would be. I wanted to attend a faction event, and I really will do better in the future with giving more warning before shooting.

    Additional Information (images, videos, etc): image.png.8d284347c652c8cebf1fe42f9dd5709b.png

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