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About 88Texan

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  • Just when I thought I was out
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  1. No clue why this guy wasn’t staff already, probably one of the greatest guys on the server. A great mentor and roll model +1
  2. I’ve known proof for a good while now, even though he can sometimes be a retard I’ve seen him do good things. I believe he deserves this shot to prove how much he’s grown since I hired him back in November +1
  3. 88Texan

    Shooting Range

    +1 I loved this place it's great ngl
  4. 88Texan

    Bats PK

    Name of Character: Billy "Bats" Cozenza SteamID: STEAM_0:1:112229598 Your Discord ID#:254413607087898624 Date of PK: 12/16/24 Reason for PK: Shooting a Cop. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: In the clip it shows that I wasn't given any time to react to the officers statement of put your hands up as the Probie immediately shoots me before i can react. At 4 seconds you can see the detective is midway through his sentence telling me to put my gun down when the Probie opens fire. During this fight I was aiming after a punch minge who was attacking my friends as well as hit me several times so I pulled out my gun. I was not even facing probie who then gives me no time to react as he immediately shoots me as the detective is mid sentence telling me to surrender. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jiCHktRotx6Mea10V?invite=cr-MSxWQzUsMzMwODc5MDYs Just balling with this one don't think it'll be accepted
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