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Everything posted by dylyb

  1. dylyb

    Ban appeal

    my boy im tryna see what degeneracy you embarked upon spill them beans big cracka
  2. dylyb

    Zombies PK appeal

    Name of Character: Michael "Zombie" Anderson SteamID:76561199116729724 Your Discord ID#: dylyb Date of PK: 7/17/24 Reason for PK: Dying in a interaction with police Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I believe I should be PK'd because in my point of view, I was aiming directly at an officer attempting to arrest a member of my faction, and shot 3 times. According to shittor, I had lagged and therefore my shots didn't register. I believe this is unfair because I had no way of knowing my shots wouldn't hit, and that otherwise the officer would have been killed and I hopefully would've been able to flee on my motorbike into hiding. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ihYuko1pa0-9aUTJw/d1337kGuF6rf?invite=cr-MSxVRjIsMjM4NjM0NTgxLA
  3. dylyb

    Goose's Ban Appeal

    Understood, will not continue arguing and instead wait my ban out.
  4. dylyb

    Goose's Ban Appeal

    Why would I let an attacker continue attacking until I'm sure he is intending to kill one I am protecting? That seems rather odd. You stated that when I executed my friend, that I gave no warning not to break the Italian's window at their restaurant. You stated that I will only receive a note because we would have been shot regardless. I already had apologized for my incompetence there.
  5. Your Character or Steam Name: Juanqavious "White Nigga" Reese Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:578231998 Your Discord ID#: DylYb Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 3 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology and dispute. Why should you be unbanned? In the clip, the guy ran into the room, and began to punch our captive inside the door. I interpreted this as if he was trying to kill or injure our captive as he had no means of being inside our room at the current moment. In addition, I was afk making fish sticks when pulled to a sit, if pulled to one. I believe this justifies my disagreement for this ban and should be accounted for on this appeal. However, I do understand that I could've took action to deescalate the situation before shooting the attacker of my helpless victim. In this case I apologize for my actions. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i6lkBJyokxVt0_Cf2/d1337I9ZMsML?invite=cr-MSxPUDgsMjM4NjM0NTgxLA
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