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Everything posted by Charles

  1. The reason for that is because this was a faction for years, with the same people running it and has a membership of a few hundred people.
  2. And you also poach members from other factions...
  3. gokus_statement.mov
  4. -1 Two weeks in my opinion is not enough time. I think you should continue to grow as a player in the community time wise before making this app.
  5. +1 I remember when this guy threatened to remove us from staff to allow a YouTuber to minge!
  6. Charles

    Gang Beef

    No nigga you corny af
  7. Gonna be hanged in the street like the KTS Boss
  8. -1 I can’t wait for the eternal lag this would bring. Get ready to have no dupes, and no vehicles
  9. Can someone kill this guy already
  10. Imma PK Farm this
  11. There is no lore, it's just terrible writing made by a bunch of people who claim themselves to be "larpers". Implement something in it that makes you Greek, instead of saying "we're good with meats."
  12. So, I like the idea of ethnicity you have, but my main issue is that you're treating this entire faction as drug runners, which can be done in a crew of a much larger faction. I don't understand how this sets you apart from them and makes you unique by just using /rumour and grinding drugs. It's nothing different in my opinion.
  13. Wait until he finds out that Murder Inc. was a real organization and that’s how it ran as well!
  14. You gotta do better than this monkey. Mexican Triad for a Colombian Cartel is the dumbest shit ever you fucking loose cunt
  15. -1 Medellin died already, they aren’t allowed to come back and it’s gonna stay that way. Fucking Triad too…
  16. Bro you're already showcasing yourself as the dumbest player on the server, just quit while you're ahead.
  17. Man don't speak for CCNG my guy, you're the dumbest fool ever on this server and I've never fully interacted with you at all.
  18. Bro who are you? I swear man someone needs to silent your dumbass with the shit you excrete from your mouth. This faction has been around for years, how is it a reskin?
  19. Who’s attacking who? You’re just a simple minded retard and you honestly sound like you need a good ol’ ban
  20. -1 Yeah bud this isn't it. Your faction offers nothing that sets you apart from other biker groups because all you can offer is that you ride and are friendly with cartels. None of those shocks anyone with a unique feature.
  21. Actually, ban this guy right now....
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