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About Charles

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Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

  • Tactical Nuke Incoming
  • Glory to Diverge!
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  • -1 Not Enough Playtime

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  1. Trump and Weber now share a moment
  2. Approved by Andrew “The Metagame” Cassano
  3. -1 Let this Canadian prick die
  4. DarkRP ass script
  5. Maybe don’t let mentally unstable people run factions
  6. -1 ”for example we do good rp on drug deals” How the hell is this unique?
  7. No it's because we like clowning on the application for being so bad.
  8. No there was a time we would suggest them and they would get put in the server. A lot of them are suggestions and not purchased
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