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Everything posted by wwwonme229

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Ashley Monk Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561199679320466 Your Discord ID#: theoneswholives Reason for ban: Violating Character rules (Middleman Item Transfer) 1xPO Length of ban: 10 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am sorry for middle manning item transferring. I did not mean harm by helping said item transferring, just had a brain fart on the rules. I am sincerely sorry and will work on better ways of acquisition, Ie; Working a job, Selling oil, Etc. I now have more friends that will help me in centering my ways, and by working together, I think we can make a better Diverge experience. TLDR; Wont do it again, forgot rules, will do better through help. Why should you be unbanned?: As I do have a prior offense, I understand why you would be inclined to deny this appeal, and I understand. However, seeing that there was little harm done, and only one item moved, I feel the 10 days is excessive. Therefore I would ask for at least a reduction, as I feel the ban should be calculated through the amount/worth of an item, AND my PO. To me, the answer is clear. I think a lesser ban should go into affect at the minimum, and maximum just getting unbanned, not having it removed from the record. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I appreciate your time reading and considering my appeal.
  2. oh ok so sorry for prop pushing I have learned my lesson and I will not do it again
  3. I think the other Adman was Shittor that gave me the other warns
  4. Your Name: wwwonme229 SteamID: 76561199679320466 Staff Member involved: byte? What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet flags Reason for blacklist (if given): prop push Why should they be returned?: no one warned me by talking to me the only warn I got was by the adman byte and that was when they took them away the first 2 warns I was not warn verbally I was given a warn by the adman stick the first time and then the next time I was getting them taken away from me I will not prop push again I will be more careful with what I do with my props thank you for your time
  5. wwwonme229


    Your Character or Steam Name: Game Z Game Your SteamID 76561199679320466 Your Discord ID#: theoneswholives Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 5 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Why should you be unbanned? IDK why I was banned the last kill I got was some guy was hitting my car got on top of it and proceeded to not get off my car after I gave him multiple warnings, he did not get off, so I shot him I have clip for everyone to see here Additional Information (images, videos, etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ji0QixN49F8T2xKlf?invite=cr-MSxodEIsMjE0NDAzNjg0LA
  6. wwwonme229

    RDM Ban

    HI I'm the guy that was with Anthony at the time I like to mention that the guy called RDM came back like 2 minutes later to talk shit and RDM bate, and he broke NLR to come back to the RP place and try to confront us by talking shit and I believe he was also in the wrong and I got a clip to prove it if you like to provide the clip I am more the happy to do so.
  7. you guys do the same thing sooooo i don't want to hear it
  8. our Character or Steam Name: David James Jr Your SteamID:76561199679320466 Your Discord ID#:theoneswholives Reason for ban: RDM (5 PO's) Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal: dispute Why should you be unbanned? Me and some other persons were being VDMed and harassed by two Mingers that were obviously VDMing and showed no intent to roleplay. the Mingers in question were trespassing on our property and were attacking me by ramming into me with their cars trying to kill me in the process. they ran me over and attempted to do it again, so I felt that I needed to defend myself. after I got my weapon out of the bank, so could stop the Mingers from VDMing me again i shot and killed one of the Mingers. after shooting one of the Mingers the other one attempted to run me over in retaliation but failed. so, then I shot hem after he said that I was RDMing even though they were obviously attacking me. also, I would like to add that Adam (the admin who banned me) was completely unprofessional because he judged off my PO's instead of the evidence. he also did not let me show hem my clip because he said I had PO's and completely ignored my side of the story and made it so I could not defend myself properly. it's completely ridicules that I was punished for defending myself from two obvious Mingers, and that the two Mingers in question were let go without any warns or bans. please use your common since and unban me Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/irOKiXSbxmd9_GuDO/d13378zLn3mt?invite=cr-MSxHejUsMjEyNDg4NzQwLA (edited)
  9. we are NOT GYPSY PLZ STOP
  10. thx I love content creation, but I think that the application is just fine the vid fucks it up an ill
  11. That guy mugged my friend so we mug him back he straight first do be mad that you don’t valentine we don’t even have in our relationship anymore
  12. that to either one works But one can be risk for a small faction
  13. we don't mug in the vid we were trying to make it seem like we only mug if someone leaves or betray us and I'm bad at editing, so it looks like we mug but we don't mb I'm not a pussy I don't mug only if I have to
  14. thx for advice I will put it to mind
  15. Maggy ask for my license soo i killed her
  16. Name of Faction: Sindicat din Umbra Number of Members : 12 Type Of Faction: Syndicate Ethnic Background : Romanian Name of Character running the faction: Dr. David James Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210):theoneswholives Your SteamID:76561199679320466 Your Server playtime: 2w 6d 5h 5m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No):Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No):Yes Roleplay Example: https://youtu.be/Si65coJKZMI?si=goWi2w6pVizCCeu- Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): Founding Members David James - A man who’s complete backstory isn’t entirely known.. Some say he was a war hero in an unnamed war, others claim he was an orphan who pickpocketed tourists to get by. Shortly after immigrating to the states, he changed his name to a more American sounding one to fit in. His true name is only known by Constantin and Alexandru, but their lips are sealed. Constantin Dimitrescu - A Romanian immigrant who landed in New York with Alexandru and David. His degree in accounting makes him the perfect candidate for the position of Master of Finance in their new company. Muhammad Bali - An ex-mobster retiring from the Polish mafia, looking for new business opportunities with the riches he gained from prior enterprise. His past connections provide this group with a plentiful supply of mercenaries and drug suppliers. Alexandru Boswell - An all around “Tough guy”, who doesn’t take shit from anyone. His skills in intimidation keep everyone in line and working towards their common goal of profit. Jani Ramone - An American man who was saved by David and Constantin from a human trafficking operation run by the Italians. Owing his life to his newfound friends, he’s fiercely loyal to their cause. Lore The Beginning: In 1984, David, Constantin and Alexandru immigrated to New York with the goal of sending money back to their impoverished hometown and families. With their new American citizenship in hand, the three set out to start a restaurant. “A Taste of Transylvania” was opened, serving Southside as one of the few high class accommodations available to residents. Business was slow- extremely slow. Most of their nights were spent alone either drinking plenty of Schnapps or chowing down on fine Transylvanian cuisine. A Change in Direction: Their restaurant wasn’t turning a profit, their families were starving, and there was no clear way to continue in view. With no other way to turn, the three took to lives of crime in order to make enough money for their family’s survival. While their restaurant wasn’t very successful, it still proved to be a valuable networking opportunity- Muhammad Bali was a frequent customer. Muhammad Joins the Team - A fast solution to their finance problems was in front of the Romanians. Muhammad was able to provide suppliers for firearms, Cocaine, and other drugs which were processed and sold for a healthy profit. After four long years of living in squalor and shame, the taste of profit was addictive. They closed the restaurant, and their criminal enterprise grew at a rapid pace with new members appearing seemingly out of thin air. Ghetto Rescue (this is actually how we met) - On a hot August afternoon in Southside, Constantin was approached by two Italian men. They captured him, blindfolded him, and trapped him in a grimy room in the Ghetto. The room had another prisoner- Jani Ramone. Scared and confused about what was happening, the two didn’t know whether they would make it out of this one alive. Suddenly, the door swung open and three men filed in. The captives couldn’t see who they were, on account of them being blindfolded. They conversed about the sale of both captives, first the Italians spoke, and then… David?! By some stroke of luck, David saw what was happening and decided to play it cool. He bought their freedom, and all of them made it out alive. What happened to the traffickers? They don’t know. What they do know is that David saved their asses, and for this he was chosen unanimously as the leader of their new crime organization. A New Opportunity - With the restaurant closed, the team had to find a new front for their operation. Considering the resources at their disposal, it was decided that a “security” agency would be the new legal enterprise. Protecting the assets of other companies would be the primary goal of their group, though other endeavors such as bounties, escorts, and surveillance would also be part of their day to day duties. “Ardelian Holdings, Limited” was formed as the legal entity, with its name linking the men to their Romanian heritage. An Ardelean is simply someone from the Transylvania region of Romania. The Present - Our five men, and a handful of underlings, are ready to take on (Or cooperate with) the other families who preside over Southside. It was difficult and extremely dangerous work, but their teamwork has allowed the five to compile the necessary resources to expand their operation. All that’s left to do is begin making moves. Hierarchy David James, Conducătorul (Leader)- The boss of the operation. His say is final, and he runs the business with an iron fist. Constantin Dimitrescu, Maestrul Finanțelor (Master of Finance) - The “CFO” of the business. Not a single dime slips through the cracks on his watch. Alexandru Boswel, Maestrul Operațiunilor (Master of Operations) - A man with no tolerance for idiots. Under his leadership, the operation runs like a well oiled machine. Muhammad Bali, Maestrul Securitate (Master of Security) - Experienced, competent and talented, securing the operation is a breeze for Mr. Bali. Jani Ramone, Supraveghetor (Overseer) - The manager of day to day operations among non-executive employees. Aesthetics Clothing - The syndicate traverses the shadows of Southside typically in long overcoats and some sort of red colored article of clothing. Their coats and overall look give an air of secrecy to all of their actions. They look like the kind of men you wish you hadn’t noticed. Vehicles - Dark black sedans prove more than adequate for the syndicate’s purposes. You may spot one of their cars in an alley, or parked behind some bushes. Look again and there is a fair chance the car will be gone. Architecture - A dark, traditional gothic theme is put to use wherever possible in the Syndicate’s operations. Deep paint colors, tapestries, and complex wood ornamentation from their homeland adorn the spaces they occupy. OOC We’re a group of friends, of varying levels of experience, who just want to have fun and have some decent RP with everyone! The faction side of gameplay has been very appealing to us for a long time, so this is our entrance to organized gameplay. We’re easy to deal with, generally chill, and not afraid to accept the consequence/risk of our actions.
  17. +1 I love this such a good idea
  18. i was in the house kidnapping bingo and the guy said that he would help me kidnap bingo with me and I warned him that he would die
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