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wwwonme229 last won the day on August 7 2024

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  1. oh ok so sorry for prop pushing I have learned my lesson and I will not do it again
  2. I think the other Adman was Shittor that gave me the other warns
  3. Your Name: wwwonme229 SteamID: 76561199679320466 Staff Member involved: byte? What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet flags Reason for blacklist (if given): prop push Why should they be returned?: no one warned me by talking to me the only warn I got was by the adman byte and that was when they took them away the first 2 warns I was not warn verbally I was given a warn by the adman stick the first time and then the next time I was getting them taken away from me I will not prop push again I will be more careful with what I do with my props thank you for your time
  4. wwwonme229


    Your Character or Steam Name: Game Z Game Your SteamID 76561199679320466 Your Discord ID#: theoneswholives Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 5 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Why should you be unbanned? IDK why I was banned the last kill I got was some guy was hitting my car got on top of it and proceeded to not get off my car after I gave him multiple warnings, he did not get off, so I shot him I have clip for everyone to see here Additional Information (images, videos, etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ji0QixN49F8T2xKlf?invite=cr-MSxodEIsMjE0NDAzNjg0LA
  5. wwwonme229

    RDM Ban

    HI I'm the guy that was with Anthony at the time I like to mention that the guy called RDM came back like 2 minutes later to talk shit and RDM bate, and he broke NLR to come back to the RP place and try to confront us by talking shit and I believe he was also in the wrong and I got a clip to prove it if you like to provide the clip I am more the happy to do so.
  6. you guys do the same thing sooooo i don't want to hear it
  7. our Character or Steam Name: David James Jr Your SteamID:76561199679320466 Your Discord ID#:theoneswholives Reason for ban: RDM (5 PO's) Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal: dispute Why should you be unbanned? Me and some other persons were being VDMed and harassed by two Mingers that were obviously VDMing and showed no intent to roleplay. the Mingers in question were trespassing on our property and were attacking me by ramming into me with their cars trying to kill me in the process. they ran me over and attempted to do it again, so I felt that I needed to defend myself. after I got my weapon out of the bank, so could stop the Mingers from VDMing me again i shot and killed one of the Mingers. after shooting one of the Mingers the other one attempted to run me over in retaliation but failed. so, then I shot hem after he said that I was RDMing even though they were obviously attacking me. also, I would like to add that Adam (the admin who banned me) was completely unprofessional because he judged off my PO's instead of the evidence. he also did not let me show hem my clip because he said I had PO's and completely ignored my side of the story and made it so I could not defend myself properly. it's completely ridicules that I was punished for defending myself from two obvious Mingers, and that the two Mingers in question were let go without any warns or bans. please use your common since and unban me Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/irOKiXSbxmd9_GuDO/d13378zLn3mt?invite=cr-MSxHejUsMjEyNDg4NzQwLA (edited)
  8. we are NOT GYPSY PLZ STOP
  9. thx I love content creation, but I think that the application is just fine the vid fucks it up an ill
  10. That guy mugged my friend so we mug him back he straight first do be mad that you don’t valentine we don’t even have in our relationship anymore
  11. that to either one works But one can be risk for a small faction
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