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  1. Juicegrape

    PK Appeal

    Hey morning guys and Happy Father's Day! Look at Spaceium post he said it perfectly I've always had approval and have been in the faction for a while, more than 2 weeks! The whole situation doesn't make any sense. I don't care if I'm RDMED at 2am on a Saturday night but to be PK what is that? I'm sure player 130214 [130214] has a clip of shooting me. I'd like to see that clip because to tell you the truth there is no way they could have found me or even knew who I was with the new leaderboard system. There were 50 players online last night at 2am and I got on late to view the new map and show my support to the server. I'm thinking someone had the wrong guy 100% even when I died, I went onto my cop char and even that char was in some sort of locked admin room. I called the admin (Falcon) and he thought it was strange as well (thanks for your help btw). Thanks, guys, for your help and have a good Sunday!
  2. Juicegrape

    PK Appeal

    Name of Character: Walter Schreiber SteamID: Steam ID: 76561198001914084 Your Discord ID#: Vaoone Date of PK: 6/16/2024 Reason for PK: No reason, got shot by a double barrel shotgun and instantly got PK Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I'm going to keep this short and simple. I deserve to not be PK because it was not a valid PK. I was just walking around exploring the new map and someone with a shotgun shot me for no reason at all (minge probably). This happen around 2:20am. I'm not sure if this is a new glitch that is happening with the new map or maybe a bug, but all the rules were broken. Some person literally shot me for no reason at 2am and I died. I was simply just running around the new map and exploring. If there is any way I can get unPK'd that would be much appreciated. I've been on this server for more than a year, losing this char would mean I would lose a lot of progress and that is something I don't want to lose just because I was shot for no reason at all. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: The only evidence I have is the player ID [DEATH] 08:28:25 UTC - 16/06/2024 - You were killed by 130214 [130214]
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