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Everything posted by ayden
Without insulting you, the answer to ever question you pose in this reply is answered in my previous responses. Like not just one or two- like ALL of them. Your intent with your original response was to discredit the appeal im making. Not to add anything substantive, but throw more of the same wood onto a very awkward fire simply because you do not like me, and that has been clear for quite a while. To address something you mentioned which was unique to your responses: You often say that when I am challenged I resort to insults, and I do concede that I have this unfortunate condition where if I see someone being an idiot or saying something that doesn’t make sense, I call them an idiot and tell them it doesn’t make sense. I apologize if you hear this from me more than others. Edit: I apologize, I almost let you get away with this. How can you insinuate this isn’t an appeal because it contains an apology rather than a dispute? They aren’t mutually exclusive and I am forming the appeal as an apology, because it’s permitted in the format. Further, you once more mention that I said I would cheat again. Throughout this appeal I have said, “I will not do it again” or some variation of that 10+ times at this point. To overlook those is purposefully misleading.
If you are the o’neil I am thinking of, it doesn’t shock me that, after my 3-4 responses to 4lights concerns, you couldn’t comprehend i’ve already addressed everything you mentioned. Your response genuinely looks like you put 4lights responses into ChatGPT and told it to summarize them. There is apparently some moral high ground that people like you think you stand on when it comes to cheating. Unfortunately, being so high up has constricted the oxygen going to your brain to the degree you’ve lost the ability to think critically. I will say for the final time: In certain instances, cheating in an online experience is wrong. In this case, it is wrong to have them. This was never a dispute to the ban, as I have acknowledged the rules. This was an apology. I apologize for having those cheats, but it doesn’t take rocket scientist to see I am not some criminal cheating mastermind or in any position to use them maliciously. I never used them to that effect because, for the billionth time… YOU DO NOT NEED CHEATS TO PLAY THE GAME THE WAY I DO. So, again, I apologize for having these cheats. I never did, and never have, intended to use them to harm the RP environment on Diverge. Proudly, despite the many bizarre reasons members of this community have submitted to dislike me for, none are because I beat you in a gun fight, or found you hiding in a bush and had the police arrest you, or had your steam ID before staff came and grabbed it. All that to say, they were injected. I never wanted to, and never did, use them in any way shape or form. My excuse is outlined at least 4 times in previous posts, but the rule is clear enough that there is no room for dispute and no excuse could challenge it. This is an apology, and I am truly sorry.
Why are you saying I haven’t said this: 'Yeah I'll remove all my cheats and I'll stop'? I have said numerous times in the past 3 posts that I would stop. Saying I can be told to delete an entire tool just to play on the server. that tool, by the way, doesn’t solely work for source engine but many other games. It’s like you saying I can’t have cheat engine because some online games are susceptible to it, even if I do not use it in online games. I am not saying i’m not open to it, just seems like a bit of a reach. Respectfully, I don’t need grandstanding. You are making statements that go far beyond what we are discussing. Of course some cheating is fine, while some is bad. If you believe that to be untrue then I do not know what to tell you. I have apologies repeatedly for having the cheats enabled. It was dumb, but I don’t need some life lesson on cheating.
1. "It's also suspicious, given your previous mugging/ quitting of the server. To me, seems clear, you are using it to not accidentally stumble upon such a situation again." Re: I have never been mugged to my knowledge so I don't know what this is referring to. 2. You talk about VAC and the Facepunch guidelines like you believe they are gospel. In the exact same section as the citation you provided in their TOS it says, ix. Conduct: do or say anything unlawful, racist, harassing, threatening, abusive, hateful, xenophobic, sexist, discriminatory, abusive, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person or otherwise offensive. This includes in any chat or other communications with users. Facepunch reserves the right to monitor the content of any of your messages and prevent your use of any such chat or other communication systems for any reason. Am I to understand that you intend to ban everyone who says the N-word? or calls me a faggot? or says terrible things about me? If not, then I can only conclude that the ToS is not really an authoritative reference Diverge uses when deciding how to moderate their server. This is not a critique of Diverge, I think the preservation of the freedom to say whatever you want to anyone else is hilarious and fine. Edit: ^ This is to say, there is absolutely reason for Diverge UA to look at this issue differently than FP ToS. On the VAC issue... if you know anyone who has been VAC banned on gmod, that person sucks. 3. "You are again telling us- you have those cheats but to 'trust you bro'. You make no mention of stopping cheating. You just say 'i wont use my cheats in your server'. I'm not going to get rid of them, which gives off the impression anytime you feel unjustified you 'might' be inclined to use them." Re: I think something I may not have explained before is that the cheat I use is presented in a launcher which combs your processes for anything which you have enabled on a short-list of games to inject the cheats. It is not a gmod exclusive launcher, though. I can not literally say I am going to get rid of the cheat because the cheat is a launcher which touches other games beyond gmod. The remedy I spoke of earlier would simply be to remove GMOD from the list of games. Its inclusion in the list was a product of laziness, as I said earlier. NOTE I completely respect the perspective. I apologize if this comes off as combative, but I do genuinely disagree with your assessment of the situation. I think there is plenty of nuance to be seen here, even if you don't. I have very little to offer in terms of anything beyond saying I apologize for my actions. I said before that I do not need cheats to play the server the way that I do, no one does.
I have made it clear in my appeal that I am guilty of having cheats. You hold the belief that every use of cheats is malicious, whereas I do not. I am guilty of breaking the rule against having cheats, but I refuse the notion that I ever used them maliciously or in any way to harm the community. I have not and would not do that on this server. I did not post this appeal as a dispute, as the rule is clear. I wanted to apologize for having them enabled, and I did just that. I am seeking a ruling that considers the nuance of the situation, the fact it could not be more apparent that I do not use these to get any advantage on this server. The way I said it to others was, "If I intended to cheat, I am the worst cheater of all time." Some other minor things you mentioned: 1. You said I deflected blame and I don't think I did that. I attributed the injection of the cheats to me being lazy. 2. You said I never promised not to cheat again. I thought I had made it clear, but if it for some reason wasn't clear enough, I WILL TAKE EXTRA CARE TO NOT HAVE THOSE CHEATS ENABLED AND I WILL COMMIT TO NEVER BREAKING THE RULE AGAIN. 3. You made an allusion in one of your points that this is somehow comparable to saying (paraphrasing) "How am I guilty, I didn't even use the credit cards I stole". I think that opens me up to saying that while, sure, on its face that appears to be a like comparison. it more suits my point that there must be nuance. You can believe someone is guilty for being in possession of credit card that is not theirs, but the intent of that person, and the facts of the case, are decided in court (in this case an appeal). 4. "GMOD is an RP game." No it's not. It thankfully is host to many great RP servers, but it cannot be classed as an "RP game". It may be your experience with GMOD, but I spent years being a little kid playing sandbox, TTT and prop hunt, before I explored the RP function. It is like the people that say Die Hard is a Christmas movie, simply because it takes place during christmas. Also many RP mechanisms are programmed by people like pendred who sought to make gmod more conducive to an RP environment.
The ban was intentional and I have no issues with it as a matter of my actions clearly breaking the rule. Canadian joined the VC I was in at the time and told me something along the lines of "youve been caught". That happened maybe 2 minutes max before the ban was imposed and I hadn't given any explanation at that point. That's what I intended to do with this appeal was explain the circumstances and apologize for even having them enabled at the time.
Your Character or Steam Name: Ayden/Celestus Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:73536917 Your Discord ID#: celestus.x Reason for ban: “Rule” - Cheating/Hacking Length of ban: Perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology. Why should you be unbanned? CONTEXT So to start I will say that I am not disputing the fact that I did, and do consistently use a menu that contains ESP and Aimbot. I have been playing GMOD for around 14 years and have been using it as a platform for RP for around 8 of those. In the 8 years I have been roleplaying, from DarkRP to 42 RP to Africa RP to Syria RP and now to Diverge, I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say, for players that are newer, its a very common thing to do. It should never be a surprise to anyone how the GSP found you hiding in a bush on 42RP. Some high command members use them, some don't need to because their entire guard unit, or at least certain members of it have them enabled. This is not an excuse, and I promise I will get to the proper appeal in a moment, but I am providing context. The point I am making is that I can be criticized for using them, I can be told it's a lame thing to do, but there MUST be some level of understanding that some uses of cheats are objectively “bad”. If I inject a cheat with the intent of using it to obtain an advantage over another player, I am using it in a malicious way and potentially harming the RP experience for the playerbase. In many cases throughout my time on GMOD though, this was never the intent and their presence in my game was merely a product of me being too lazy to close the injector. APPEAL Recently, I decided to take a journey to a different area of RP than I am used to. While I have enjoyed RPing as a government official for the past couple years, I wanted to try something new. On that journey, some cool guys (and one woman) from one of the Italian factions hired me as a waiter in their establishment. As someone who enjoys serious RP, I take the role seriously and enjoy running the restaurant. In fact, most of my playtime over the days leading up to my ban was simply me working in that restaurant. In that time, I took part in 0 violent interactions except one interaction where I was RDM’d and never really left the restaurant for any reason beyond picking up some shipments or selling oil. So while I apologize for having the cheats injected, I simply want to express that I never had any intention of using them to gain any advantage over other players or harm the experience of others in any way. I don’t need them in order to play the game the way that I do. On one character I was a government official who doesn't even own guns, so I have little to no use for them. On the other, I am a waiter, who hardly leaves a restaurant. Again, I apologize for breaking the rule and there is no excuse for me having them, but I would never and have never used them to procure an advantage over other players, find players I could not find (I dont think ive ever even had to do this), or used it to win gunfights easily (I dont get into gunfights). I am humbly coming to the UA to ask for some leniency. I don’t believe I am special, or above anyone else to the point I can just do whatever I want. I apologize for my usage of them and swear I never used it to harm the RP experience on Diverge. It has always been my goal to create RP and enjoyable experiences for the community and I understand that this event was antithetical to that end. If granted the opportunity to be unbanned, I would pledge to never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again. In reality, the issue of me even having them injected at that time was avoidable and is something I can remedy very easily. Thank you for your consideration. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Here is a picture of a ghetto spongebob to lighten the mood.
> guys walks up to you with a gun > “take this pill or i’ll blow your brains out” > takes pill > guy still robs you > you get PK’d 5 mins later absolute cinema.