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Everything posted by Tsum_Mini1

  1. Bloods v Crips was better than this..
  2. Tldr tdlr: There should never be a faction like kts again.
  3. It was colombian flags in the ghetto, not colombo flags. He was placing down colombian flags.
  4. -1 Extremely low quality application.
  5. Old combat system was better. By this i mean the third person pfp wars.
  6. +1 a lot of effort was put into this application, it would make a great addition to the server
  7. -1 ah hell nah string didnt die for this shit!!!
  8. +1 this is a great application
  9. Where else would one hide in a room that only leads to the right side?
  10. The room is only open to the right. Having prior knowledge of the map isn't abuse, might as well stop swapping chars after every advertisement.
  11. So you're just like any other faction then? you have a legal front that hides the illegal side which is the main part. The vagueness wasn't necessary then.
  12. -1, faction is being made just to be under Olympus as another alt faction. The unique rp being provided is already provided by others. Are you trying to be a legal faction or an illegal one? You claim to be an organization, but that's extremely vague.
  13. -1 seems annoying asf.
  14. breaking people outta cuffs?
  15. bro really wants to remove all groups because he's blacklisted from both for being retarded. Wtf was the point of sending a jake paul song????
  16. only reason you made an appeal is to play on your don char?? And what does it mean when you say it feels ooc?
  17. It wasnt like that before too
  18. Their story is they got shot down in NYC by the commission. Smokin that federation pack
  19. a hitman faction doing hitman things??? Unheard of!!!
  20. Erm.. Medellin is Colombian.. ermmmmm
  21. -1 Medellin Cartel is Colombian, which was wiped out alongside other cartels by the commission. Calling the Medellin Cartel a triad is like calling the Kosher Nostra a yakuza.
  22. Actually the Genovese was a Cassano faction reskin. You're either new or never decided to pay attention to the tab menu during the Federation days.
  23. +1 bring back the cassanos, realest shit
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