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Tsum_Mini1 last won the day on April 30 2024

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About Tsum_Mini1

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  1. hes giving his side of the story, hes not denying or approving the appeal! hope this helped!!
  2. goated +1 30 cops daily is brain rotting
  3. Insane weber energy! bring back string +1
  4. i was speaking strictly pd only..
  5. Im not sure if this was talked about already, but change the tunnels, add a second car spawner in PD, and potentially remove KH inplace for a empty room which could be used for dupes. The tunnels currently has an issue where there's an abrupt 90 degree turn which kinda sucks to deal with. The second car spawner in pd is so more people can mobilize quicker. The KH is currently not as utilized as it should as far as i witnessed, there's already been dupes made that take over what the KH is made for. I witnessed a jtf training utilizing a KH dupe in pd garage. Plus the KH kinda sucks. My Idea for the removal of KH is a blank room for someone to build dupes in, this allows the training room to be fresh more often.
  6. -1 roadmen is not a language.. stupid asf to get an accent as a language
  7. dont care. take the 1 dollar tips and put the flamingo feast in the bag
  8. would be unrealistic for majority of factions.
  9. +1 cito is a good man!
  10. +1 Doing gods work out here! Lets hope it gets patched
  11. i think you misunderstoond, on this post you commented on corruption and how its unclear. Your exact quote was, What I commented in return was mentioning how you were already explained the corruption rules. Just because it was a different post doesn't invalidate the fact they told you. At this moment, the second post i quoted was made 19 hours ago, the canadian bacon post i screenshotted and sent that explained the rules was sent 23 hours ago. You even replied. When I commented asking whether or not you were already explained these rules, you lied and said no. My entire point in commenting was to call out how you said you believed corruption is unclarified, despite being clarified about these rules hours prior. I would also like to ask for where it says, "no corruption at all." This isnt stated in rule 11 of corruption rules.
  12. This is in response to your ban appeal, Canadian bacon specifies what is and isnt allowed in terms of corruption.
  13. weren't you just explained what is allowed corruption wise and what isnt..?
  14. -1 maybe the melee weapons but the guns no!
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