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Everything posted by MxR

  1. I can vouch he retired months ago.
  2. TKs would only be a thing if EMS was still a thing, with doctors doing surgery and staying in the hospital to recover. TKs are not needed anymore due to EMS being removed.
  3. been sayin this shit for almost a year
  4. +1 i hate don colombo (all my niggas hate ia)
  5. MxR

    Ban Appeal

    you know how to bake a cake?
  6. here we go again... stocking up on molotovs and getting lockers full of bacon
  7. MxR


    +1 unban this guy, hes done his time
  8. MxR

    Plixily Staff App

    holy glaze (definitely not chatgpt)
  9. MxR

    Box faction app

    it aint spic rp either pal
  10. i got all of them right (still smoking on that cartel pack)
  11. MxR


    ik the way he did it, dont make me leak it (aquila moment)
  12. -1 wall of texts made it unreadable, I would of liked more to that backstory, however its not bad. We also killed off the cartels 2 years ago, i would not like them to come back
  13. MxR

    The Illuminati

    hi (im forum post farming rn)
  14. the rare weapons would go down in price because its actually craftable. I like the melee weapons though
  15. MxR

    diverge snow map

    it wouldnt be actively snowing, the snow would already be on the ground so it would have at least the same performance (or very close performance) as the map we are using. No weather.
  16. MxR

    diverge snow map

    imagine this shit during christmas time
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