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  1. In the sit it was like 3 am for me and I was just being retarded, so I will apologise for that but like I said i wasn't in game rp-ing as a pedo, I really do want to get back into the server I honestly wont do any retarded shit like that again. I've been doing suit trading for weeks on my other chars, this was just a slight slip up I've learnt my lesson and would happily accept a 2 week or even month ban if it means I can come back. Also ill add that as far as im aware I have no priors.
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Cobson Mc Gemerald Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199685930589/ Your Discord ID#: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaa (yes that's actually it) Reason for ban: Mass mugging, meta game, rp as pedo (all will be explained) Length of ban: Perma Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):Apology+ clarification Why should you be unbanned? I will start with an complete apology for being an utter retard when it comes to the rules regrading mugging, I did not read them thoroughly enough and that's 100% my own fault, next I will address the meta gaming which was also 100% my fault, I apologise wholly for that and will not repeat it, next is the accusation of rp-ing as a pedo, now ofc that sounds pretty crazy without knowing the full situation (not saying its right either way) but I wouldn't really go as far as to say rp-ing as a pedo, and I think another admin later saw my ban without the context of the sit and gave me a perma as the banning admin originally gave me a 2 week ban and not a perma, my desc was I'm a pedo whoever I wasn't actually rp-ing as a pedo or doing anything like that, it was just a retarded unfunny joke I put up cause it was late and Ig I wasn't thinking clearly about it. on another note, I want to add that I do play this server seriously and engage in the rp, on this occasion I was just bored and decided to make a stupid decision I apologise for, all I can say is that I apologise and will not do this type of retarded shit again. The rather comical ban note proving my claim of the ban originally being 2 weeks
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