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About WillyWhacker

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  1. I was the cab driver in this situation; I was driving like an idiot granted in little Italy; they threatened me & the cab passenger previously; they also pulled out and pointed a gun whilst the passenger was in the car; this cannot be seen in the provided clip, but we were threatened multiple different times. The Guy acted in self-defence; this should not be classified as RDM.
  2. WillyWhacker

    ban appeal

    Professional RDM baiter
  3. Did not know that was the case with the cooldown my bad
  4. Name of Character: Mickey Onyx SteamID: STEAM_0:1:121918661 Your Discord ID#: whackynoodle4 Date of PK: 18/11/24 Reason for PK: I killed a cop as he asked for my weapons license as soon as I spawned in on my char, After killing him, I fled & hid then left the server, when I joined back my char was banned. I was not killed during the altercation with the police officer. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Was char banned when I was not killed during the altercation. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Has no medal or clipping software active.
  5. +1 Good RP with these guys, would be good to see an Irish faction on the server.
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