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  1. I think you would also forget a server that irrelevant
  2. I have no reason to lie, I am the one trying to get unbanned, that server was and is so irrelevant I only remember the name. I may be forgetting something, there is a high likely hood I am, but I am basing my responses of what I am remembering, if you want we can get into a vc and discuss this further.
  3. I was not a staff member from my reelection, and if I was I left 2 days into the server anyways, and after I asked my friend he said it was clothes that were stolen.
  4. Your Character or Steam Name: Cooper https://steamcommunity.com/id/76574784057432423/. Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:530878929 Your Discord ID#: 671170912241975317 | cooper._.1072 Reason for ban: Global Rules. Length of ban: Permanent. Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology. Why should you be unbanned? I have not played diverge in a while, and I recently came back across it and remembered all the good times I once had, I went to join and I was banned. I sat there wondering for a bit then I realized it was most likely because of one of my old friends servers that he invited me into and I joined thinking nothing of it. Then after asking one of my current friends why he was banned because he said that there was stolen assets in that server, I was not aware of this at the time. I was told every file in that server came from a store preset called the "Mafia RP Preset" he sent me a link and I looked and it said "Mafia RP Preset" I thought nothing of it and played the server, after playing for a few days I realized how bad and shitty it was. It was like a really bad ripoff of diverge. That was probably the one of one, worst servers I have ever played on gmod. I am very sorry for my actions and now I realize that I should not trust everyone I meet, this was a very stupid mistake that would have been easily avoided if I was a little smarter and more dillegent. I would love another chance to come back and play with my friends and bond over this server again. Thank you for considering my appeal! Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Banned from all discords & in game.
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