Your Name: Snorky
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634759308
Staff Member involved: Byte/Julius
What flags were blacklisted from you?: "Prop Minging"
Reason for blacklist (if given): Minging.
Why should they be returned?: I was in little Italy and while I was there I was putting up my Taiwan flags at a reasonable distance from the establishments entrances. The flag was not that big and I even did a /me putting up the flag. However the Italians came up to my flag and started to burn it. I moved away from them placing down another with the /me puts up flag, and repeat. I did however spammed music in little Italy which I will admit that was braking a rule but that rule does not have anything to do with my flags. I did move my flag over to the other side of little Italy and started to do the /me again. After that I was brought up to a sit getting a warning not to do that again by the mod Julius. However Byte thought it was a good idea to step into the sit and took them away without even telling me. I really hope the staff team looks into the logs deeper when this happened. However I do not think any rules were being broken considering that everything was done through a professional role play setting, and that is why I think my flags that I spent real life money on in a video game should be returned for me to use them.
I will be responding to whatever the staff team has to object to my statements if I am available.
Thank you