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Snorky last won the day on December 26 2024

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  1. Snorky

    Permanent Ban

    I think this man is deserving of a chance to prove himself. +1
  2. In the Diverge Content pack there is a list of props that you can use for your role play within the city. There is a section that has a cross. But for some reason the cross is not able to be spawned. I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be able to be used during role play. I think it should be added in the game for the priest's and people who love Christ in game. By the way I was going to post this on December 25th the day that Christ was born, but I was a bit busy with hanging out with family. models/polievka/crucifix.mdl May Christ Be with you all.
  3. I must through away my guns in the trash for the white shirts. +1
  4. This guy seems like he knows what he is doing and I think he would make a great member in the staff team. +1
  5. Snorky


    *This is your last stop kid. May you find more peace in that world then you found on this one.*
  6. How could they forget my bro
  7. I think Diverge whole shtick is that Italians and Mafia are one of the base role play in the game and I would even go out and say that it is what makes Diverge so funny and fun to play on.
  8. The Nation of Islam is a interesting faction but besides spending $1000s on a game of pixels they are just a minge faction with hatred for the white race. From what I have heard they have been in the city less and less but if they can pull 7 members in this week or the end of the month then I'll be damned. Good luck from Pun
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