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Snorky last won the day on December 26 2024

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  1. Snorky


    May I ask that you were to launch a investigation by getting the clips. If you were there or of the other staff member was there then you should be able to have hard concrete evidence that would support my side by doing the /me also I just wanted to say that I had them removed but immediately got them back because another staff member thought I was braking the rules when I was not. You see I never use my flags to abuse them. And also I find it really mean that you compare to me dark rp lol. But just a side note there are many other people who do abuse there pet flags on a giant level. But like I said I would like it if you were to find the clip so you can see the /me
  2. Snorky


    How do you respond to my post in less then 10 seconds. You live inside the forums dude And btw this was the same thing that happened with you last time and it was funny to see you yap in my ear about it.
  3. Snorky


    Your Name: Snorky SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634759308 Staff Member involved: Byte/Julius What flags were blacklisted from you?: "Prop Minging" Reason for blacklist (if given): Minging. Why should they be returned?: I was in little Italy and while I was there I was putting up my Taiwan flags at a reasonable distance from the establishments entrances. The flag was not that big and I even did a /me putting up the flag. However the Italians came up to my flag and started to burn it. I moved away from them placing down another with the /me puts up flag, and repeat. I did however spammed music in little Italy which I will admit that was braking a rule but that rule does not have anything to do with my flags. I did move my flag over to the other side of little Italy and started to do the /me again. After that I was brought up to a sit getting a warning not to do that again by the mod Julius. However Byte thought it was a good idea to step into the sit and took them away without even telling me. I really hope the staff team looks into the logs deeper when this happened. However I do not think any rules were being broken considering that everything was done through a professional role play setting, and that is why I think my flags that I spent real life money on in a video game should be returned for me to use them. I will be responding to whatever the staff team has to object to my statements if I am available. Thank you
  4. Snorky

    Permanent Ban

    I think this man is deserving of a chance to prove himself. +1
  5. In the Diverge Content pack there is a list of props that you can use for your role play within the city. There is a section that has a cross. But for some reason the cross is not able to be spawned. I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be able to be used during role play. I think it should be added in the game for the priest's and people who love Christ in game. By the way I was going to post this on December 25th the day that Christ was born, but I was a bit busy with hanging out with family. models/polievka/crucifix.mdl May Christ Be with you all.
  6. I must through away my guns in the trash for the white shirts. +1
  7. This guy seems like he knows what he is doing and I think he would make a great member in the staff team. +1
  8. Snorky


    *This is your last stop kid. May you find more peace in that world then you found on this one.*
  9. How could they forget my bro
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