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About OriginalWish

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  1. buddy was suspect, what can we say.
  2. Running the Flanagans with Ghast day one of the server was pretty fun.
  3. When me and the Flanagans PKed him in front of the PD
  4. Hello All! Apologies if there is a format needed for this I couldn't find one, or if this has been posted before. However here we go: With all of the cars flowing on the server (and most of them are drove around and then left unattended for long periods of time) I think some sort of chop shop/car scrapping crime racket would be super helpful in many ways. There is always pros and cons to these things so I wanted to just go over some stuff that this could entail: Pros: - Less Unattended Cars (Could generate less lag/desync?) - A new racket/crime that would not be the normal sit in a building and grind - Could have the ability to wipe locks and resell cars at a cheap 1-time selling price for people (once its gone its gone for ever) - Gives people more of an incentive to not just leave their cars everywhere and lock them - Gives police an additional task to track down stolen cars? - Could add different values for different cars - Maybe make an insurance system for cars that way people need to insure their cars for an extra fee (could help balance economy) Cons: - Could just spawn a car and scrap it (Maybe make a timer on spawning cars or remove the ability to scrap an owned car?) - Would massively increase stealing cars (is this an awful thing?) - I could see car jackings go wrong and might increase unnecessary gunfights If you can think of any other pro/cons please feel free to leave them here. As always this is just a general idea that a couple of boys were talking about and not super in depth, but could be a fun/new way to add other crime methods that the stereotypes.
  5. +1 hell yeah we want more irish boys back
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