Togna Bologna
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About Togna Bologna

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Nice reach goofy, anything youre claiming here doesnt change the fact that you gained knowledge ooc from an ic situation, goofy. It really is a shame you claim to run things when you have maybe an extra hour of playtime since you released the faction application three months ago i think that head got big af off the work of others why you had to be warned for missing the actual cheapest property tax on top on activity warning. Whats next to your claims?
Youre beating around the bush hes a crew leader not up to the task. End if story. I did you a favor, you dont have to thank me. I didnt pk anyone for a movie wym? Was the reason not clear enough or do i gotta spell it out for ya in turkish? The rules clearly state unless otherwise stated all channels in server are considered IC, get right goofy. How is him logging off jnside someone elses property after being specifically told not to metagame on my end? Weird reach but okay. Keepe yappin the proof is in the pudding bbg. I notice they keep bringing up everything besides the point of the ticket. Seems like a therapy sesh imo
I dont have to confess a thing to anyone so word doesnt slip what happens, though yall wanted to press and press his death and found out i in fact did do my job by removing the disrespectful crew leader who btw only recruited a single guy in two full months for his own crew. Im not gonna hold the guys hand im gonna make room for a better replacement. You insist on keeping an incompetent individual in power amd i simply did what any enforver would to to anyone who blatantly disrespected their don in character MULTIPLE TIMES. Do i gotta spell it out? On mike, i never asked where mike was because mike obv was ducking for the last week. And YOU were the ine suggesting via your groupchat we meet in person to settle things and clear the air, not me; so lets not twist the story. I dont need to ask where he is when i see him standing by the vendor and hanging in boatbouse IC to give IC information on where a guy is always seen hanging out. Simple espionage my guy. You were not in city, in character, you knew of nothing. Nice try though. You bitch when youre disrespected by your own member, i say let me tale care of him, you ADMIT YOU GAVE HIM BENIFIT because he was new, then you get mad at me for not afting on it, then i act on it, and im a snake traitor? Very bold claim indeed. P.S ty for admission into the scenario knowing you were in part of this. Really helps the case. Im saying that seeing him alive doesnt mean that he was murdered because you didnt see him later, alligator . ive always had an issue w mike when he blatantly disrespects the don in character as well as YOU and the other crew leader before we lost him. On TOP of that he got a single recruit in TWO FULL MONTHS even when offered cash and firearms license upgrades per quote/recruit for HIS OWN CREW, and is told to collect X amount of this, and doesnt collect a single one as a direct order, then hes obviously got better things to do and as a faction w inactive leaders its not a great look. Making room for active members where possible is in the best interest of the company when its as inactive as you have clearly seen.
This is no proof of anything this is your hearsay and scrambling to avoid your and your lil rag tag groups metagame as thats the literal only way such an inactive faction would survive. The point being in the time stamp when wacht approached me OOCly w mikes death directly after his death means that an individual IC went and told this OOC individual who had not even been online in weeks but to hop in After hearing ooc someone got hit. Very clear, not hard to understand. Youre scrambling for a bullshit excise which isnt plausible as you have no actual proof of anything of your claims. We have legitimate proof of conversation regarding the death as well as the clip that was shared from the death from the eyes of the dead man which was sent ooc to another individual which lead to IC roleplay events. If its too advanced to get through that thick skull just go back to peeling potatos. Here is a screenshot of a clip sent to me minutes after this man was killed, when. Nobody was around the event to have knowledge, which was sent to me by a third party in which the video was shared, oocly. Which was also sent to me oocly which lead to ICly events. W details and everything on a dead mans death. How exactly did this man get details on a mans death when he wasnt even logging in on his character in the city? Since you have so many explanations, lets hear what you have for this one. Here is the link in reference, sent directly from a dead mans eyes from death to an ooc don to an ooc underboss in private dms, not on IC company pager (even then the dead mans final 15minutes are inadmissible for your readons) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jMyUtLyMfh158KbM0?invite=cr-MSxUdHAsMzQ4MTA5MDE2LA how much of this is also not metad in your twisted perspective?
Perfect, so you admit you have no proof IC mike was dead but you assumed because you saw some man holding a gun? Very bold claim hahahaha, Appreciate the clarification.
Perfect, so you admit you have no proof mike was dead but you assumed. Appreciate the clarification.
Imagine making a dumbass claim like that in public. Whats that even mean? You ran into an empty building w a guy in there who told you what to do and you listened? Is that what youre telling us?
Rules: You may only make one appeal per PK, if you are denied you will be unable to appeal for that character again. You must appeal within one week of your character being PK'd, appeals posted after this time will be automatically denied. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the PK. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Name of Character: Ranticus Dracul SteamID: 76561198172421441 Your Discord ID#: LimpDickStalker Date of PK: 2/28/25 Reason for PK: Metagame Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: These individuals of the Basarabs conspired in private messages to confirm a man was dead; with the dead man, and resulted in me being set PK active when the individuals who set this character for PK had no IC knowledge of this mans death or the reason IC for his death. The man was murdered, then he ran and immediately cried in the dons dms about dying which caused him to request an appeal to see the reason, which then lead to them obtaining information OOCly about an IC event that had happened. Here are some photos for their OOC conversations which lead to IC rp events. Please note the last messages where wacht claims to know that jmoorsey PKd Mike, when mike just hot murdered in character. Wacht then demotes character for said event, and then sets pk active, resulting in character death from information gained from a dead man in a private ooc dm. You also see where he asks me ooc to meet him IC. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
Yes oocly which lead to being asked ooc to meet IC about information obtained oocly regarding the situation that happened. Bit odd, innit?
The quote was “we brought it up to him” not “when i messaged him” , read it again, but slowly. meaning him and others had knowledge of an IC situation where the other individuals concerned were not present and should realistically have no knowledge of this man’s disappearance. Which would be metagame. What else needs cleared? Apologies, let me elaborate. “We” meaning, plural. And “I” meaning, singular.
Wait, can you say that louder for those in the back? How did a dead man bring anything up in any sort of conversation? Whom exactly all did you bring this up to aside from everyone on the forums? If i recall correctly, and correct me if in wrong, but shouldnt only individuals who were present for this event have knowledge of this event? I.E the man who died and the man who committed the crime should have knowledge of this death. Anyone else having knowledge of this IC would be considered metagame. Is that what youre telling us?
Let us have the equipped gun of the person we pk plz!
Togna Bologna replied to handsome's topic in Suggestions
+1 even being able to search a body would be nice. ID, Clothes, Guns, etc. -
+1 this shit is nice
+1. Oil is a waste of time as it makes dogwater profit on top if it holding so much bank space (in the eyes of non donators even at least) on top of having to wait until theyre actually around. New rp interactions would be fun.
Let oil people look in trash since we cant rumor
Togna Bologna replied to handsome's topic in Denied
Check mate