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Posts posted by Hammer

  1. 2 hours ago, TroubledGhost said:

    These were questions that should've been given during the hiring process and not something to be asked later on. This is on you. and there were 2 questions at most. There was literally nothing else suspect. After which i was told be careful not to ask anything else and I complied and haven't asked anything since then.

    Yes, I should have told a brand new employee that I am the Don of a Irish Mafia and that we love to sell Methaqualudes. God I am such an idiot!

  2. 10 minutes ago, Azoro said:

    You know SOS irl supports Nazism, right? Look up Sons of Silence, you see a dude wearing a Nazi Germany flag lmfao.

    Considering you are a Jew Lawyer I am disappointed you haven't gone to war lmao 

  3. -1 Advisor got caught Item transferring and also deleted chars and remade new ones with same name to avoid PK


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  4. 7 minutes ago, Seansx said:

    +1 this is good, my one thing is maybe go and make a new backstory that’s a bit longer in a google doc, good way to show that you can put effort into something as you would with your faction.

    I could absolutely expand on the backstory, Ill make one on google doc and upload it 🙂

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