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Da Boyz

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  1. I mean it seems like he has a lot of pride for the server (he really wants to come back) and I'd give him 1 more chance. +1
  2. it sounds like he/she (I don't know the gender) has learned from what he/she has done.
  3. Da Boyz

    Calabria Crew

    Civics is not even out yet what are you yapping about
  4. Da Boyz

    Calabria Crew

    Civics is not even out yet
  5. Da Boyz


    Your Character or Steam Name: TOPSHOTTA Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198110347720 Your Discord ID#: loganmonkeydonney Reason for ban: RDM and Can’t kill random black people cause there black Length of ban: 1 Week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I'm really sorry for what I did. Here's what happened: My friend saw someone who had mugged one of his friends. I also saw the ghetto guys' friends throwing some weed plants into the meat market. The Irish guy hit him once, and then another guy did too. Then I hit him twice, and he got hurt really badly and bled out. I know I made a mistake, and I'm sorry for what I did. I have learned from this and will read the rules again to make sure it doesn’t happen anymore. PS: (Can’t kill random black people because they're black) I think that is a step too far. Why should you be unbanned? So I thought the ghetto guy was wrong for mugging the Irish guy's friend (I’m allied with him). So I thought we should teach him a lesson about how you don’t mug people. I think he wouldn't bleed out so I left him critically injured. I’m very sorry for what I did and I will not do it again. I sincerely apologize to the guy that bled out. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
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