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Everything posted by Lucas132xx

  1. +1 i saw him on other server s
  2. I would like to Actually use them for faction related stuff and use them for a good roleplay and not be a minge and ruin other people experience
  3. not be a minge with the phys gun and tool gun
  4. Your Name: Silly billy III SteamID:STEAM_0:1:70301112 Staff Member involved:idk What flags were blacklisted from you?:phsyh gun and tool gun Reason for blacklist (if given):kill 3 people with phsygun Why should they be returned?: cause it been 6 month and i deserved to have the back and i was permabanned From the server and just came back i really want to pet flags back
  5. Lucas132xx

    char appeal

    Name of Character: Xiao Ling III SteamID:STEAM_0:1:70301112 Your Discord ID#:1188196468616609856 Date of PK:9/20/24 Reason for PK:idk i woke up and just saw it was banned Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: cause i was not mugged i did not shoot police i did not do anything it prob a mistake on whoever banned my char If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:i dont have any
  6. well i kill 2 kids in r6 and wallbang them without no comp no drones just but audio and then the recam thing or whatever it look sus to them i guess? and i got banned
  7. does that matter about my ban? it not cause i got booted off it just cause i remeber i can make a ban appeal again?
  8. Lucas132xx

    Ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Giacomo Macaluso Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:70301112 Your Discord ID#:1188196468616609856 Reason for ban: char abuse cause I was using my other char and giving my friends guns and then. I got banned and so I it was a 4-day ban but it was extended to 2 weeks, then I try to alt and that was the mistake I made at that point. And got perm banned Length of ban: perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):apology Why should you be unbanned? I apologize for trying to evade my ban. Me and my friends were rping and I transferred weapons to them, id know that there isn't a good reason to do this, but I was just trying to have fun with some friends. When I tried to alt I wasn't trying to minge, I just wanted to play a different char until my unban. Again, I know none of this is justifiable but, in my time, away from the server I'd like to think I've matured enough to be given a second chance. Please consider this appeal. Additional Information (images, videos, etc.):
  9. shit my bad are you able to delete it my appeal
  10. Lucas132xx

    Ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Asuka! Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:70301112 Your Discord ID#:crashedxxx Reason for ban: char abouse but alted Length of ban: perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):apology Why should you be unbanned? cause it been 6 months since and i am sorry for doing bad stuff on the server and i am so sorry for doing what i did i had only 16 hours left untill my ban was over but i still wanted to play that how much i love and care for this server very fun and active a lot and also theres and new update which is new map and i want to be back in then server my action were very i only had 16 hours left but i was crazy for then server and wanted to already join diverge i am deeply deeply sorry and i really do mean it on god i swear i wont do any funny bussiness again cause i can get in very bad trouble if i do get accepted it will put a smile on my face and make me very happy i want a chance to redeem myself and not goof and play around so i dont get into trouble and get perm banned again and blacklisted i am sorry diverage hope this appeal show you that i have change over the course of my ban... Additional Information (images, videos, etc): nonee
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