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Ramo last won the day on December 11 2024

Ramo had the most liked content!


About Ramo

  • Birthday July 5

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2554 profile views

Ramo's Achievements

Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

  • Too many Italians
  • Funny How?
  • Glory to Diverge!
  • Just when I thought I was out
  • Tail Him... Rare

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  1. i could've done /me snorts cocaine, but the server already does it for me i love mafiarp
  2. Ramo

    PKed Body Cremation

    +1 stops me from /me eats corpse
  3. Ramo

    Cyanide Pill

    make bleach drinkable
  4. +1 grind bricks for pendred
  5. make diverge great again ah post
  6. governor mansion, where i goon with tobins.
  7. Ramo


    +1 cito is goated, he turned a new leaf
  8. Your Name: Ramo SteamID: STEAM_0:0:441495678 Staff Member involved: Rem What flags were blacklisted from you?: Media Reason for blacklist (if given): Media Misuse Why should they be returned?: This media blacklist was almost 3 years ago (Nov. 2, 2021) issued by Rem. I genuinely didn't know that I was blacklisted until recently I tried to queue a video up on the TVs on the server. I already forgot what I played before that caused me to get blacklisted, but I am sorry for what I did; it won't happen again.
  9. Ramo

    Calabria Crew

    -1 so you aint a family
  10. Ramo

    Supreme Team

    +1 black rp black olympics
  11. +1 you didn't pay real money for that car lool
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