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Everything posted by Zenjo
+1 - I like this, definitely a way to get any type of information to the whole audience while helping keep people informed on ingame and ooc news / events. Advertising business could be big on here too, and yes the obituaries would be a crazy feature in it too. This idea could be delivered making a news department that has jobs like photography/videography , writers/publishers, and funding events. The cons also arent that bad either, there would just have to be rules revolved around how people use the news.
Ngl Diverge kinda does feel like a social experiment its addicting with alot of feelings. This is already potentially one of the greatest game for making this experience yours, everyone as a whole keeps it alive. Its a cultural exchange kinda Life, (this is how short i could simply explain playing this game.) This game is a modern work of art. Mafia RP should always be alive and the atmosphere to change like weather. Just like the economy too, you'll find your stream. Nobody said this had to be perfect though, make a story or two. I have one last suggestion and then Ima chill from suggestions for a while - If there was a second server for either nighttime or a test have fun creating something new even if its an attempt to make this game all the more fun (Like a public/private testing ground). Thats alot of me too ask but its not to offense but to keep at the good work! Couldnt say this place doesnt have a place in my heart. Thank you for that. God bless
Making a in-game vote system for a public event where players can vote from admin or generated event. Events should be able to get players involved in finding something, to target a person(/s) or entity, gathering of people, or thoughts about something. Results may even trigger a timer or event location
Pay to speed up shipment spawning from 10 minutes to 7 or 5 minutes with real cash
Smoking weed should get you high cause all yo mamas be smoking my gas. Please add visual effects to marijuana
Does all pks require a pk message to appear for server to see
Being able to buy up to 3 shipments at once instead of 1
1. Illegal bank system separate to atm that cant be easily accessed and has to be upgraded for more space overtime. 2. Side mission system where you have to do something or turn in a illegal product for a random reward that may or may not be valuable (this could lead to better missions for better rewards) (this could be good for those rich guys that want to get their hands on weapons that are practically non existent) 3. drugs revamped to actually make you high so people could enjoy what visual effects those drugs offer.. i mean if people were tripping off lsd they would act it as well haha ----------------------- for #1 - This could be great for people who want a more rp situational illegal way of storing there stuff. This should be expensive to do but be worth in the long run. Might open a path to new npc's around the map for #2 - In truth this would give people other options of what they do with their drugs, like trading they could be rewarded either like a gamble for good or bad items or to earn rep from turning in enough that reaching a high enough rep could unlock new trades. for #3 - Drugs are kinda boring in this game, they could really make people want them more adding visual effects making players wanna catch them like pokemon cards to see what high they can get, on the flip side of the coin is in the real world mafia you would get wacked for doing so because they didn't want junkies running around in suits.
the risk is beyond the reward. if yall could careless most people leave so long as if the one guy who bought a custom suit and custom car could always get it back on a new character. i dont have to be a expert to tell you that someone who is conscious would have been pk'd through rp wouldve been like "welp this was a good run ima go do something better with my time now." this the end of the topic for me im talking to know it alls links of most recent suggestions and im sure you have tons more like them.. its not just me thinking this way but a majority that would benefit for that better future.. The reasoning you guys bring is all the same heard stuff and all i'm bringing to light is what its being pointed at that doesnt seem to get enough attention. This was never about me but for you @Canadian-bacon @Pendred @whoevercares
firstly you are awesome for having took great consideration to this argument. Like I said, the system does work there isn't something going on in my belief that would be the cause for it to just die not for a long time atleast but that players who do leave, leave with a bad taste in their mouth and i was one of those guys who left for a year due to hardwork lost and irl reasons to comeback and try again but still get caught up. But I could argue there is a time gap for everything here.. countless hours spent on the grind for it to be diminished too easily. That is a system that can be worked on not something that should hold forever. And there are many creative ways to approach this and i pointed out a few but many other people point to too.. As for the RP that is something that doesnt need to be changed entirely either, everyone really enjoys it. But does everyone enjoy being in a family and only waiting for products to come in shipments? Are the alternatives really built for the misfortunate playstyle? Maybe thats what becoming a cop is for. Maybe there can be new rp towards legal tedious jobs that require some keywork instead like people fighting over campbells soup they were supposed to give jimmy the npc.. That could also get into a different approach to how people rp as well. This is a great game and will always still go down as one of the greatest rp styles of games which is why i care to put this out. The players engagement with other players is required with most of the game is a great move, but what if players dont wanna do that? Then you got fishing or truck driving shipments or if you are a passive player in a family watching youtube videos while that 10 min shipment comes in.. Its just a start. Why is there barely a reward over time for people who are just passive? The slow game is a good game to play but not for everyone is this point here although this kind of change wouldnt be the get rich quick scheme it damn sure should keep a player busy playing instead of waiting or gambling. I will admit that this argument for a step in the direction of new systems is for the benefit of a long term passive playstyle and player longevity that would be new to everyone is scary but if the player is gonna take risks why not take a risk is this idea too. These are all simple tweaks for a implied long term demand for population.
MxR like i said this isnt for a BIG CHANGE that people imagine but little steps that should be considered towards a fruitful future. The current system is BS if a new player has to work 2-3 weeks to still have not reach their goal and then be diminished for 1 wrong move. We can all argue that the system works cause yes it does work.. but does it really work for the people? Im not asking for the cops to stop arresting, Im not asking for the families to stop killing each other, Im asking for a change in the retribution concept this game follows. It would be a waste to not consider what I am trying to get across to the creators of the game. The reward is far less than the risk people are taking so far that even the families even resort to being friendlier because we are all just surviving. You have to understand that this creation can go through this kind of change and it doesnt have to be dramatic just steps towards a better future for Diverge Mafia RP I'll be on tomorrow to argue more about this with more thought so lets continue this then. if you havent read the post please do so and the comments too lets make this clear that there is a decline based on things beyond what the player is seeing so lets bring it to the light.
You didnt look deep enough my friend This is a insightful suggestion i made. this is not just for the small installations to the game but a more indepth step towards a thriving game that people enjoy to play...
To be a new player and go 3 days in grinding the way the game was intended to be played then be severely punished and wait a month to fight the charges in court is ruining the experience.. I understand the realism in it and "being smart with how you move" is a trait in itself but people fight to keep what they worked hard for while the system is immune to its exacerbate issue it brings to the whole population itself.. Truthfully I think there could be change at a higher level with this that could bring balance and I don't know what that change is but here are a few suggestions.. 1. Actually listen to the testaments and protests of people (and im not talking just cops but the highest power of the game as well) fully understand where the server issues that make people stay away.. 2. Revamping the Justice system to fairly allow players to keep their character because they will naturally get pk'd (less realistic approach to help players keep going) 3. Approach to more legal ways for anyone to make money besides spending countless hard earned irl dollars. Player events just aren't gonna be enough people should be able to make food deliveries for hired businesses or collect rubbish around a shipyard that can be sold to a npc. (basically more npc and task related jobs that can benefit players at anytime INSTEAD OF WAITING 10 minutes per shipment) Waaaaaay more engaging for players who like to be fidgety maybe even a custom chess and checkers betting table against players or calibrated AI 4. Separate Storage outside of ATMs that would allow players to store items personally without ATM because all the cops wanna do is get inside that. (Maybe like a illegal bank account you can upgrade with money) These are my suggestions that should be carefully considered for the future of this game.. cause only the old heads are sticking around, once the new guy gets severely punished one time its usually donezo for them say bye bye forever. Approve Disapprove whatever man no idea should be wasted just put them all together and see what it all points to cause lets be honest how long will this glory last or till its another relic in the past.