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Carpenter last won the day on June 5 2024

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  1. Yes, true. But people tend to store things in them for longer periods of time - compared to around 15 minutes of a couple slots of storage in a small prop I am suggesting. But, yes, totally agree.
  2. For long-term storage, we are able to get things like lockers, crates, fridges, etc. I suggest it would be nice to add short-term storage items too. For example, a small brown paper bag with one storage slot. It could be used to pass a handgun to someone discreetly. Or a cardboard box that varies in storage depending on the size of the prop. It could be used for shops that have large orders of their product. These items could be sold for cheap at general stores and have a limit of 1 to 3 out at a time per player. Possibly a timer begins somewhere between 10-30 minutes before the item disappears. Just some ideas so that there aren't a bunch of entities around that aren't being used. Anyway, I think this would be quite nice for RP and convience of different scenarios. Thanks.
  3. Is it possible to implement a better way of moving items around, like shift-clicking, so you don't have to drag everything? Just curious.
  4. +1 used to know him, solid guy
  5. dang hamir abdul is still running around? lol i remember running from him as a maple street crip
  6. I understand, thanks for the input anyway. I don't really know who you are, (given at some point, maybe I did) but in any case, I apologize if I did anything towards you in the past that made you feel the need to be hostile towards me. Have a good one. Thanks, I appreciate it. Thank you, very kind.
  7. Name: Carpenter SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567863431 Discord ID: carpenterxo Reason for Ban: “Retard.” Length of Ban: Perm Ban Reason for Appeal (Apology/Dispute): I had a lot of fun on Diverge and the players there, I'd like to play again with my friends who still play. Even some of the people I first met on Diverge I still talk to and play with today. I'm sure there are still people who think that I had mal-intent with what happened, but there's nothing more I can really say about the situation. Sorry to anyone who feels that I targeted them. Why Should You Be Unbanned: I have been banned for over a year now, the people who were with me (did the same thing as me) didn't get as little as a warn, let alone a perm ban. I'd just like to get back on the server to play with friends again. Thanks, and sorry.
  8. let me have a little fun on the forums in peace
  9. Lucchese as Pistol P's step-son
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