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YURI last won the day on January 3

YURI had the most liked content!

About YURI

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White Shirt

White Shirt (1/14)

  • Just when I thought I was out
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  1. Your Name: Yuri SteamID: STEAM_0:0:581040052 Staff Member involved: Jesus on the block What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet Flags Reason for blacklist (if given): Why should they be returned?: Its been a while now I believe I have learned my lesson and i think i should get my pet flags back . I know I was dumb back then and I do understand the circumstances of this situation if I get my pet flags back I will use my pet flags responsibly and be more carefully. I will only use my pet flags for buildings for my business and for any events that happen within my faction and not use the props to do mingy or stupid things .
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Ryan " rogue " Alonso Your SteamID :https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199122345832/ Your Discord ID#: 792599944799846420 or kir012 Reason for ban: rdm Length of ban: 30 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): The person i rdmed at the end of the sit said it was fine and the staff said I was free to go and the map restarted and I rejoined I was not banned then I was banned when i left . Why should you be unbanned? He was throwing props at the truck where my friend was siting in and it was about to blow up i shot the guy then in the sit started the guy said that i was fine and he didn't want me banned so the staff set me free to go and then when map restarted i was banned when i left the server , also the person that killed my coworker so i had the right to kill the guy . Additional Information (images, videos, etc): none
  3. YURI

    Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name:Sassy the Sasquatch Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:581040052 Your Discord ID#:kir012 Reason for ban: rdm/ extensive pos Length of ban: 30 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i was watching as my friend was fighting someone and i come in as the guy shoots him and i kill him before he killed my friend. Why should you be unbanned? I had the guys name and i killed the dude cause he was killing him. Also the staff that took the ticket is apart of the same faction which puts bias on top of it .
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