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  1. 6tens

    Custom Dances.

    Let me hit the griddy
  2. U r one weird guy... This is what happens when u let a bum raise Ur kids.I was 13 years old playing on this server last year and I wouldn't say shit anywhere close to this. But I don't think this nigga should be permed since kids r easily influenced and this fag was just trying to join in with the crowd.
  3. Nigga u suck, Ur not better than me at PvP. I'd smoke Ur little ass any day of the week. Ion even play this server and ill clap them cheeks. most cheats on any game can just hide the fov circle buddy but I don't see no cheats in the mugging... Only a bot ass nga who can't control his recoil
  4. how is dropping ur 3rd person settings going to prove that u dont cheat in a gmod server which uses 1st person in pvp????? quit ur yapping buddy.
  5. 6tens

    Un ban appeal

    then show me from ur pov then u cunt
  6. 6tens

    Un ban appeal

    -1 ur just a bot i killed no one in spawn u monkey atleast provide some proof u bum
  7. +1 first mexican cartel to be wiped off and then brought back as a Chinese type triad whilst being mexican
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