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  1. did he just admit to meta gaming in hes fucking appeal next leavel shit right there
  2. Oscar

    Idk how to delete

    -1 I heard that they are rude to people that didn't do anything to them. And just not a very cool idea.
  3. This is how you fix a server. We need this.
  4. Name of Faction: The Marchiano Gang Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 11 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Street Gang Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Central European Name of Character running the faction: Frank Marchiano Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): Oscii007 Your SteamID: 76561199179593498 Your Server playtime: 2w 15h I had another account that I had months of play time on but it sadly got deleted Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): We will host frequent parties for our faction and our allies. we also host sit-downs and meetings for the high command and our allies to discuss business and fix our problems. our allies and we work together to fix each other issues. We are also planning to host public parties in the future for people to have fun and sell their custom suits etc. We also put others in thrilling situations for example we torture those who cross important members of the gang. We create good rp scenarios even in the smallest situations for example we do good rp on drug deals. We do unique rp like going to church. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): We will be hosting frequent parties both for the faction and allies only and open ones where everyone can come as long as they have a suit. We will also be opening a butcher shop that will create good rp both for customers and for ourselves. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b9MGPHXBP_3DWAstcO-jWoF2UQT3QbDl12Vw4OGdfGo/edit? The high command having a meeting about the gang's current issues. The don praying in hard times. A guy that crossed underboss. The don and the advisor talking in the Irish bar The gang attending a boxing match at our allies bar. One of our needed to be taught a lesson. A guy who double-crossed us. The don and the former street boss holding down the fort against a rival gang. The don and the underboss right after they got out of jail
  5. Oscar

    Ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Char name is Marco 'Tigger' D'Amore and Steam name is oscarslotsvik Your SteamID (Click to retrieve76561199179593498 Your Discord ID#: 817427216878665739 Reason for ban: Length of ban: I rdm'ed two people at different times the first one was fully by accident. i got warned the first time. The second time someone pointed a gun at me for driving trough their naighborhood. i didnt do anything to them. so i waited a bit and then i went opp to the roof of the napoli and shot the guy who pointed a gun at me. i was unnaware that he was afk, this then led to me getting banned for a month. then a week later i was informed by one of my friends that my bann had gotten extended to a perma bann witch is wrong. and when i checked why i was perma banned it said that i mass rdm'ed x2 witch is wrong. i admit that i rdm'ed two guys yes but it was not mass rdm in any way. btw it was a two week time differense between the two rdm's i think or it was more. Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Why should you be unbanned? Additional Information (images, videos, etc): i should be unbanned beacouse a ban for rdm is not permanent. i am sorry that i a little riled up and ended up rdm'ing someone but i am a serious rp'er who made the mistake of rdm. i feel that the ban was wrongfull not that shouldnt have been banned but that i got banned permanently for making a mistake it just seems wrong. i agree i should have been banned and i aggreed to get banned but i did not mass rdm once or twise simpely made a mistake.
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