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Everything posted by Skitz_shitz

  1. We are involved because a mugging char fail mugged someone on our property which resulted in a raid this appeal is bigger than getting a char back edit: - SoS don
  2. Ed "big back" Myers is one of the most loyal members i have ever had inside SoS. Even when we were at the lowest of lows "big back" continued to be active and pay dues, gave me feed back, and helped to rebuild the faction just from his consistent RPing. I always wanted him as management but my man was always too busy helping other factions come up. This is a quality player who maybe hit a low point and made a mistake. IMO no where near deserving of a perma, revert this back to 3 weeks and give him time to reflect and cool off.
  3. Skitz_shitz

    Grag Panji

    Alright President (don) here, let me give the exact reasoning behind this since it hasn't been denied yet. You were set active for not paying dues or participating in anyway with SoS despite seeing you come on. Instead you were using us to store or house a character without even talking to me when I took over. I even approached you and got your name you said "oh yea uuhh I'm grag", Then you ran off without even an explanation. All of the other players that you thought you were on the same level with reached out to me when I took over presidency to explain their situation. The "somebody reached out" was me asking around about you before setting you active and they told me you were low quality. However I also told you everything stated above and you failed to mention this in your appeal solely for the purpose of attempting to cheat the system. SoS is in a tight spot rn and frankly I'm to busy keeping activity up and the lights on to deal with any outside drama. Let's just shake hands and move on it's just the name of the game
  4. yea i totally understand the LTAP that was my bad i had made a poor judgement that we were all in agreence that i wouldnt submit the PK because i had to LOG and take care of something IRL
  5. yea the 2 people i killed were in the house one was blocking the door saying i wasnt invited to the party and the other was in the back with bingo weapon out
  6. Your Character or Steam Name: Philip O'day Your SteamID : STEAM_0:0:51505712 Your Discord ID#: Skitz_Shit_Boiz#8634 Reason for ban: LTAP/RDM Length of ban: 1 DAY Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Falsey accused and taken advantage of after I logged off Why should you be unbanned? --- Participated in an event stated by Bingo "Chuckles" Laughington in advertisement "Help I am being held hostage in TH3!!!" proceeded to move to TH3 and got inside, cleared out the building of hostage takers to free Bingo. I decided not to submit a pk request based on the failed event considering they WERE holding bingo hostage and in a mugging situation, it just seemed incredibly sloppy and not worth my time I had something I needed to go do so I told what I thought was everyone involved I wasn't submitting then I logged. I've never RDM'd LTAP'd VDM'd etc.. I know the rules and follow them closely. IC wise PHILIP O'DAY knows bingo VERY well I have several clips of us RP'ing together I saw he was being held hostage and acted accordingly. I ONLY killed players who were inside of the building during the hostage situation I made sure before opening fire to take note of who was participating. the only thing I did wrong here was I didn't clip it and did not wait to see if I was going to be pulled to a sit for RDM.
  7. These shots did not register according to admin. Unless Kevlar acts as head armor as well this whole situation screams fail RP and should be reversed.
  8. +1 finally something bring back classic RP
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