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Thinner last won the day on July 14 2024

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  1. +1 still got scars from the lunge mine
  2. "22 years young" But fr +1 because he has a lot of experience and is a good dude overall.
  3. +1 finally a russian faction thats good
  4. on april fools day we should go all mug Matteo Clemente of the Cassano Crime Family and see how much money he has
  5. Thinner


    average jmoorsey post on divergenet.works
  6. dons orders are dons orders sorry dude
  7. I've known this mf for almost his entire MafiaRP career, and throughout all of it there we're only a few times where he was actually smart and not mingey. He is sometimes the biggest dickhead you could ever meet, but really hes just goofing around. If he is REALLY serious about being an administrator and actually wanting to be NOT retarded, I think he could be good, but hes tried to change many times in the past and never really has. BUT, if he CAN really change, then I fw with it heavy vro +1 :3
  8. It would be kind of cool but I think there needs to be things explored about this idea to stop certain things from taking place. Also I think cars should be made more of an actual posession and more valuable rather than just something you retrieve and spawn in anytime you want. Like, your car gets stolen, just retrieve it. Car gets blown up? Just respawn it. Huge crash that would most likely put you in the hospital if it we're to happen IRL? Just use some bandages and respawn the car. Like timers for spawning cars, insurance you have to pay if you damage your car and other stuff like that. It would be more of a hassle to deal with your car but I think more people would actual be careful with their cars. Also car maintenance RP would be awesome. Like instead of just using a repair tool on your car, go to a mechanic and have them fix it, or buy your own mechanic equipment and fix the car yourself for cheaper. Gas would be interesting too, having to stop to refill and stuff.
  9. +1 Pretty cool but they would need to implement it in a sort of way where the "i just got RDMed and now you have to comp me for every, single, attachment" situation wouldn't happen
  10. Thinner


    First one is a bit unbalanced cause "oh I can just stash all my stuff in here with no consequence at all!!!" and the 2nd one can be able to just be done by HC in your faction. 3rd one is kinda DarkRP like but that doesn't make it bad, I like that idea fr. Let me trip on LSD and PK myself from an overdose.
  11. Thinner

    Add more crime

    hell yea i love fraud!!!!!! +1 I agree with what bacon said but then again it could just be an alternative to doing drugs rather than something ontop of drugs, im tired of clicking a button, waiting, and then drug appear. This may sound weird since this is NOT DarkRP but it would be cool to actually have to MAKE something rather than "oh click button and it appear!!1!" like how DarkRP servers do it. Thats the one thing Diverge can take from DarkRP, everything else is just kinda shit
  12. Would be awesome for certain items, I feel like illegal items + custom suits + custom items and other expensive stuff shouldn't be allowed to be thrown away for people to not abuse this though. Also trashman RP would go hard asf.
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