A. The way you went about your rings being sold by one of our capos.
-Discord talks, ICly everything was formal
B. Your character hasnt paid any due fees in well over a year and the way you came onto that character and started trying to start a quarrel in the wrong way.
-Was never ordered to pay again, warned, or approached about it. You yourself are admitting that I'm in the right here, therefore not paying dues is invalid as a reason.
C. Completely disrespecting a Captain in the middle of his store.
-Untrue, I asked a simple question, I didn't disrespect anyone ICly.
You're allowed to lure people onto their characters by staging a sitdown or meeting, not through DMs, this is a clear rule.
Him calling me on and providing the location was purely done for the PK, he couldve asked for my charID to be sent via DMs, instead it was taken advantage of.
Considering the fact that I was lured through DMs is one thing, but both PK reasons are without proof and the proof that can be provided is not in your favor.
Also there was a sitdown before the incident about the rings and the whole. Therefore the situation was resolved ICly.
How was he informed about my whereabouts? Seems like he's just gambling and suddenly knows where to go.