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About Alabster_

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  1. +1 Great Idea. The new system allows for a lot of great ideas.
  2. Please add a ATM in front of my property! I can't keep going to city hall with my Class 3!
  3. Alabster_

    Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Demarious "Black Power" Black Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:552404997 Your Discord ID#: alabaster_1 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 5 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I believe this RDM is just a misunderstanding. Leading Up to the RDM I was being contently Harassed and Threatened by the man in the Black and White mask (Monaclu). From my Point of view I was Killing the man in order to keep my respect and Integrity. Looking on it now I can see how this can be seen as RDM but I see it as a threat and a cause for action. The Officer kill can be seen as RDM as-well but I'm just trying to Kill someone with out a cop arresting me right after and holding me at gun point. It would be the most logical thing for a crime to kill the cop then his enemy. I'd like to note that this started from the Hood disliking/hating James and Monaclus Dupe leading to the hood trying to kick them out Additional Information, When making tickets about the Dupe they said "You can burn it with a molotov" Why should you be unbanned? Going forward i will follow Killing rule 2 on Escalation more closely and believe this to be Staff baiting/Trolling Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Clip Showing the Dupe https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i7HdInPFllZOSRAB/d1337MZA9tdG?invite=cr-MSxkckksMjM0ODczMDkzLA Clip Showing the Incident https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i7IaU9lL9NRwoxuox/d1337KBoED2P?invite=cr-MSxldHAsMTY2NzgwODMxLA
  4. Your making that comment as your prop Minging Colombo Flags in the Ghetto?
  5. Someones mad they got PKed. Maybe not buy a town house and sit in a corner lil bro.
  6. Alabster_

    Ban Appeal

    Fair enough, The point I'm making is I never used any information from my Cop char when i made the 911 call and i understand the timing looks bad but this is only based off logs and doesn't paint the full picture.
  7. Alabster_

    Ban Appeal

    Again I had no information from my Cop Char. The beefing is IC, the point here is that none of the information leading up to that event came from my cop char. Seems a little Bios that you (Member of Olympic have to make IC beef a staff issue when no rule has been broken)
  8. Alabster_

    Ban Appeal

    Ban Appeal Format: Rules: Power game and PD blacklist Your Character or Steam Name: Antonio Romano Your SteamID : STEAM_0:0:552404997 Your Discord ID#: alabaster_ Reason for ban: Calling cops on a polish property claiming there to be class 4's. This was taking as POWERGAME due to being on my cop char early in the evening. Length of ban: 2 Days and perma PD blacklist Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This is untrue due too the simple fact I had never revived or seen such information and never gained any info off my cop char. I had called the cops on the property after Clocking out (which is Walking back to PD and filling out the !Clockout) and many moment after being on my Colombo Char. I was told about the on going conflict and decided to make a false 911 call in order to cause problems for them. Moment later I had gotten off and all i revived was a massage from monacla Saying that i was banned due too power gaming and blacklisted from PD all off "Logs". Why should you be unbanned? There was no Powegaming just the simple fact of poor timing. "911 call had no real proof..." Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Never given logs or any proof.
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