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Posts posted by Aiden


    On 6/19/2024 at 6:14 PM, Canadian-bacon said:

    Maybe with boxing gloves forcing a /fallover


    Otherwise useless old system wasnt adding any additional rp and was intensive on performance.


    I think that's a great idea with the boxing gloves, anything else sounds unnecessary


    13 hours ago, Tsum_Mini1 said:

    Old combat system was better. By this i mean the third person pfp wars. 

    Everyone agrees but it was abused too much

  2. 9 minutes ago, JuliusCaesar said:

    So you edit your message to make it even worse then the previous you are sad little person get off the server

    I edited it to my personal experience with the gang? 


    If you cannot handle the fact that 1 single person has had a bad experience with your gang and is putting their own opinion then you should get off yourself 

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  3. -1 just people that sit at the ghetto and cause chaos to alert the police and shoot them whenever they try to do anything. I’ve not had any actual rp with this “gang” 

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  4. On 6/17/2024 at 9:17 PM, Zenjo said:

    save some time 

    not too sure if you've realized but there are NO shortcuts to Diverge Mafia 1980's RP. You have to sit and grind for hours

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