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Everything posted by zinthesinner

  1. yea i sent the clip thats a fucking image they shouldnt auto pk me over a image i sent the full context he hit me first it was self defense and u saw it all the cops just pk me over limited evidence
  2. Name of Character: korbin hoyt SteamID:76561199476578576 Your Discord ID#:1220512758710276197 Date of PK:5/13/2024 Reason for PK: so i killed someone in self defense and they arrested me for murder i get that its a mistake Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:they also stacked charges on me and my lawyer told me to sign a peal deal that wouldnt get me killed but he made me sign a 49 year deal i didnt know that was a death sentence actually just unfair i killed the man in self defense i had witnesses but they refused to bring them in but they brought in prosecutions witnesses If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2d2tpjC16JlsGW/d13376n11GwV?invite=cr-MSxpV2MsMjA1NTE5MTU4LA heres a clip of what i believe i was pked for after the clip i killed the man he also attempted to kill multiple other people before me btw this is the lawyers name and number he gave me the number because he said i owed him for getting him off hes a scam artist and a horrible lawyer
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