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Davey last won the day on June 3 2024

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  1. Don of stolen faction legacy enterprise were he quote on quote is slowly building up the company. I also noticed he made sure to make a false claim regarding the character Davey as he definitely didn’t make enemies with half the server if anything two factions. I can see this important detail needs to be on ur diverge networks resume as it really pertains to your staff application. For future reference roe maybe don’t yap so much and get to the point. -/+ Netural
  2. Man me too. I think it would be neat to make it take 30-45 minutes to process drugs and adjust the values and what not to balance it out. Doing this in turn would give people more time to RP instead of just sitting in a room and waiting for the three minute timer or whatever. Unfortunately I don't see this being implemented due to the fact that it would rely on so many other values to be changed and it is lowkey a lot of work and all for what just to fix something that isn't broken?
  3. Great application and very well done backstory. Kurt has been around for ages and is more then capable of running a faction! +1
  5. Davey

    PET Flag Appeal

    I 100% understand props are strictly for roleplay witch is what my intention was and there is a lack of props like the above photo and I wasn't gonna search for 30 minutes so I threw down a quick solution that I thought was logical and realistic. Also the final time you had pulled me when you took my flags away I had similar looking props like the photo above so there wouldn't be any trouble, ill try and throw a photo down below. Please don't try and justify removing my flags due to the type of prop as I corrected the prop I was using to a much more realistic and logical one. I was calm and collected and has a good attitude as well until you started acting stuck up and once again not admitting you jumped to conclusions. For instance mid sit when you apologized for automatically assuming that I had lied about receiving permission from a moderator. This will be my final reply to this topic unless UA requires a response to reach there final decision. Hope we can work this out!
  6. Davey

    PET Flag Appeal

    I watched a vehical fit through the large gap with my own eyes. Also im very calm currently just using caps to emphasize the words your putting in my mouth. As I said in the sit though im already aware your never going to admit your in the wrong so there is no point in arguing with you. And like I said I didnt remove any props during a sit and ill say it again.
  7. Davey

    PET Flag Appeal

    I mentioned I had done /me for part of this entire roleplay situation talking about when they had places a bunch of props around my building and I picked them up in roleplay so staff was able to remove them. Please dont twist my words. Also the photo I put is somehow not considered PET flag abuse but my do not enter signs are? Makes little to no sense...... Your throwing around alot of false information here and im not liking it. Not once did I call you names and I NEVER REMOVED THE PROPS there has got to be some way of proving this anyhow I also had no knowledge of the notes besides the one for prop abuse during event like I explained above. Also my interaction with the mods was not 15 seconds before......... Also the prop rules that are even close to this incident state Prop block includes blocking perfectly reasonable entrances or back entrances to buildings / doors. Players may not block or obstruct streets or major traffic ways without proper reason. Neither of these rules are broken hence this isnt even propblock even with the flags I left a big enough gap for cars to fit through and obviously a player can fit through.
  8. Who remembers back in the day when drug processors looked like this and you could run several at once creating a huge ass operation and also if I remember correctly they were multi step requiring several ingredients at different times or all at once. Not on diverge exactly but just in general when it comes to the MafiaRP game mode. Here is a shitty photo but if u really did play back then youll recognize it.
  9. I think it would be neat to have a one way radio for radio stations or podcast to prevent minge listeners from just ruining it and mic spamming or just talking nonsense. Something even better could be a deployable one way radio that connects to a microphone or something of the sort located at a radio station or production studio. Just a thought figured Id throw it out there. Also here is a similar addon but I'm sure its broken and has performance issues just an example probably not applicable. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=299560452
  10. Davey

    PET Flag Appeal

    The jewish also did this shortly after I got my flags removed for making tiny realistic parking poles. Id be very shocked if they actually RPd this out and didn't just throw it down to cause problems.
  11. Davey

    PET Flag Appeal

    Your Name: Davey Micheal SteamID: STEAM_0:0:419342183 Staff Member involved: Anzati & some mod What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET Reason for blacklist (if given): Building parking poles in the alleyway beside my building. Why should they be returned?: I use my PET Flags strictly for building. I have one singular prior from an event were everyone was fucking around and I didn't realize that I even had a note from it. Pretty much today what went down was people kept playing loud music and revving there engines outside my property where me and my men actively RP, as well as do business transactions. So to prevent this I had placed decorative American flags and went in my head just so my employees can actually be at peace. Well I was in my head supposedly Anzati came and removed them and never said a word to me no PM or anything witch is fine but me being very stressed and sleep deprived I just thought that I had clicked z and removed them. After me seeing the flags were gone and the issue persisting I placed stop poles on ONE side of the alley and another player unrelated to my faction had completely prop blocked the alley on the jews side making them angry and prompting them to call staff. Instead of making 5 reports on that guy they all jumped to the conclusion it was me and listed my name in the reports. So finally I got dragged by some mod where I set things straight and explained only the parking poles were me and after this being proven I asked if it was alright and he then told me "yeah the poles are alright thats an IC issue" so I went back and placed more so I can just run my establishment in peace. STUPIDLY I forgot to use /me and you can ask anyone who knows me I am constantly roleplaying and using the /me command hell you can even see my logs. Anyways I finally get pulled to a sit and greeted by anzati saying that he was taking my flags I further explain the situation and he says he wont take them and is leaving a note that still didn't sit right with me so I argued it and after me trying to reconcile with him for a bit he finally just decided to flat out blacklist me from my flags entirely. I do apologize for not using the /me command and I definitely will remember to in the future and there is no excuse for that. Im just askin for another chance hear I need to get my faction up and running and im primarily the person who builds most of our dupes and not being able to pull up the map in single player complicates things even more. Sorry again
  12. Davey

    PK Appeal

    The PK is clearly valid it looks like Spaceium is just defending this guy because hes in his faction. No disrespect but someone had to say it.
  13. Davey

    Legacy Enterprise

    This cop power gamed and staff voided the situation sounds like ur mad bud.
  14. Davey

    Legacy Enterprise

    I appreciate the feedback!
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