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Posts posted by SmurfPapas

  1. +1 Need some Russian Storylines in this city. Would like to see how they go about it as the previous ones have failed but knowing who's to lead this I see them being able to keep it alive.

    Great District application. 


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  2. -1 No. Not enough of a backstory, not detailed enough. Would like to see you try again with a more thoroughly thought out application and backstory. 

  3. +1 I've known this guy for a little bit, but from what I've seen has a solid head on his shoulders and would make a fine addition to this community if given the chance in this capability. 

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  4. -1 I don't honestly see the appeal for a group/faction to appeal to the player base in an MC on Gmod; if this was FiveM sure, but it isn't.

    But if it gets accepted, I would like to see where the group takes its story.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Steam Tank DoomStack said:

    -1 the faction will die when they get bored of gmod, seen this on mp time and time again with those same type of groups

    Literally a faction that played on MP the entirety of MPs life when it was around, we started on MP. You're obviously just a moron. Please just fuck off and quit this community, you're a clown.

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  6. Name of Faction: Cassano Crime Family

    Number of Members (Minimum of 5) 25 active  100+ Conservatively

    Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Italian Crime Family

    Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Italian

    Name of Character running the faction: Paolo Cassano

    Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): mitch0101

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47358017

    Your Server playtime: 1mo 22h 52m
    Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes

    Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes

    Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred):
    https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...MDMyMDkyLA     https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...Q1MzUxMDgs
    Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above):
    Depending on the properties we own will decide on what type of events we host but, in the past, we hosted music nights at the club car meets at the motel and parties in the lounge.
    Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DlVADR3s_Tw4NZbDIORDxWbCPeKfrAbImpJMAhPVf98/edit?usp=sharing

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