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  1. check logs my game crashed last pk was diffrent from this one when i spawned in i was also alive so u must havent killed me
  2. yh alr it is what it is but i was trying to get my money up cause it got wiped from last time i got pkd but why wait hours till i get all my money up and then ban me
  3. nah im still in discord and stuff
  4. Name of Character: bryan can smith SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1244444444444444444444/ Your Discord ID#: qrpe Date of PK: today Reason for PK: i dont know Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: idk what happened i was on for like a hour went off came back and i was pkd If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: note: i just got un pkd today was this a mistake ? or something
  5. theres a clip read the appeal and my other char just got pkd for them finding me 1 minute after 30mins and u pkd me for 9 seconds under?
  6. But there’s solid proof he rdmed me and he was meta gaming that voids a pk ? Also it says in rules Using OOC means of communication to perform a PK will invalidate it / the evidence for a PK
  7. Name of Character: bryan "can" smith steamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1244444444444444444444/ Your Discord ID#: qrpe Date of PK: 07/05/2024 Reason for PK: i dont even know i woul guess mugging or something i didnt get told Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: i got pkd from someone who i took money from and ran away i left my car with him and ran away he didnt find me until over 30mins and where is the rule for this? supposedly 9 seconds before 30 mins he hadnt seen my face and recognized the car i left with him that despawned then i had to go get it and i changed the tire color on it so he wouldnt recognize and changed my outfit he then finds me kills me without saying anything and then rdms after killing me as pk and i didnt even get fully told why the pk was happening i have a clip of him killing me also he had a friend who they where metagaming with and he was telling him where i was u can hear it in the clip and him also laughing at the end of the clip saying im about to pk this dude https://streamable.com/m6y1lu clip of him rdming me whilst metagaming https://streamable.com/uriw35 clip of his friend walking in and without saying anything he walks out and his friend comes in so they are also metagaming and killing without conflict so this proof and my pk should be lifted because of the rdm/ooc voids a pk in rules and the fact he was metagaming and the rule abt 30 mins isnt even in the rules
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