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Everything posted by Earth2Yankee

  1. Name of Character: Antonio "Scarface" Viado SteamID:76561198326507959 Your Discord ID#: 207642969958907904 Date of PK: 5/5/2024 Reason for PK: we were dealing with a situation were we had a guy under fear RP, so we brought him to the fish house on the docks, while we have him there gun shots start ringing out and i go in a spot to defend myself when then i was killed instantly. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: the responsible party that attacked us did not have the f3 of the guy under fear RP. they merely saw us take him there and proceeded to try and save the guy without his f3. they did vigilante justice. they guy we were dealing with was not tied up either, we had him in the ladder room leading up to the attic with the entrance door open so it wasnt a raid they just came to us guns blazing while i was talking with the guy. they guy under fear rp was not killed and they killed everyone but him. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: i dont have a pov video of the incident happening, so i tried to reach out to the admin named ADAM and this is what he told me
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