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Alex Smith

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  1. Alex Smith

    Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: RedHotSauce Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199030380206/ Your Discord ID#:alexsmith7363 Reason for ban: RDM and Extensive POs Length of ban: Perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? This is to Canadian Bacon. If you have the time I would love to chat with you personally on discord about my ban I have some questions if you can answer them I would be very much appreciate. Thank you. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
  2. Alex Smith

    Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: RedHotSauce Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199030380206/ Your Discord ID#:alexsmith7363 Reason for ban: RDM and Extensive POs Length of ban: Perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? I've gotten a lot of PO's while playing on the server. Every time I got sent to a sit, admins were shocked at how many PO's I had. I didn't take it seriously until I got permanently banned. Looking back, I see that all the PO's were because of trolling. Recently, I started playing the game seriously and found out how fun it can be. But then, I accidentally RDM'd someone, and because of all my PO's, I got banned permanently. I'm really sorry for my past behavior and all the problems I caused. I promise to play the game properly and never troll or mess around again. I know my appeal might be denied because of my history, but I'm asking for one more chance to show I can be a good and respectful member of the community. I know that I've made the same appeal saying how sorry I am and how much I miss the server but I don't know how else I can prove to you that I really want to get back in the server and play again. I've literally been making appeals for a year that should somehow show you how much I want to get back into the server. If this gets denied please unban me from the discord at least I'm really curios how the server is doing. Thank you for reading my appeal. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
  3. Alex Smith

    Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: oagoaga[bg Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199030380206/ Your Discord ID#: alexsmith7363 Reason for ban: to many POs or some shit Length of ban: perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology Why should you be unbanned? It's been really long and I've made like 100 tickets trying to convince yall how it was a mistake. Joining that gang that wasn't even real and confirmed through the forums and shit that led to kill/rdm people. Please unban me and let me play again on the server. Thank you Additional Information (images, videos, etc):N/A
  4. Alex Smith

    Ban Appeal

    Canadian Bacon i dont know if you remember but iv been trying to get unbanned for like a year and youv told me to comeback next time. Realistically what do I have to do to get unbanned i actually want to start playing again
  5. I got banned from the discord server a while back for notifying an admin. I needed some help but didn't know that I wasn't allowed to notify an admin please unban me thank you. my discord: alexsmith7363
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