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Posts posted by eopsin

  1. On 6/14/2024 at 3:58 PM, Gent said:

    I understand what you're saying, but this update seems tedious like the TEC-9 needs Hollow Point, Laser, Automatic, and PBS-Supressor; that's 4 attachments alone from what you've said, and you need a workbench to add them. In theory, this is cool, but it just seems so annoying, like admins literally can't even compensate for a second gun, so as stated, if you get RDM'ed, your screwed gotta go to the faction that sells the attachments gotta wait for them to order each one individually, gotta pay them, gotta get them to attach it to your gun, then gotta give it to you, then you gotta check if the attachments applied, then you go kill someone or just roam. Like attachments are important in general, not just PKs.

    or, perhaps, with less attachments being available for a perfect meta build on every gun all the time, attachments will be used less by everyone and you wont "need" HP rounds, a laser, a switch, and a suppressor on your gun at all times to be pvp competitive.


    I am all for making the server less PvP focused and making PvP more realistic. Make guns less constantly kitted out and super powerful and used 24/7. I like it more when people do things like use bats for defending a store and break out the guns when shit gets really tough, which could mean breaking out a kitted out gun from a locker or an ATM, or maybe equipping a less advanced gun from your inventory, etc.


    As for rule breaking, you can't account for everything when it comes to people straight up breaking the rules. You could argue against anything if you argue about people breaking the rules. People will just have to get banned, and you get comped for as much as possible.

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  2. On 6/8/2024 at 7:34 PM, Baselsamarah said:

    I would like to demonstrate an example of how this will heighten rp within the server

    You get a call from your higher ups… they need you on a job… 

    “We need to see you… Now!”

    The Don contacts you. He presents a photo; name of the target on the rear. You’re rusty, though you’ve proved yourself many times. You pick out the trustworthy AKM- it’s never let you down before. 

    You’re running down the alley, miraculously flinging yourself up the ladder, positioning yourself on the rooftop. You scan the photo, quickly; matching it to the target. You equip the AKM, knowing exactly which attachments are required for an accurate shot. You press C…


    You know what must be done…

    You lunge off the roof towards the target- barely surviving the fall. Eyes locked, you’re across the street from the target, you pull out your firearm and start crossing the street…

    A fucking black Citroen hits you at 10HP and you die lol. Monaclu drags you to a sit and pks  you- laughing directly at your face; posting the clip of your pk in staff chat and they all laugh at you. 

    Moral of the story-  attachments for certain weapons completely changes the firearm, and having them separate could add a new level of “Being prepared for the job”- among tons of others ways of adding RP.  



    yea, the AKM can be changed into about 40 different guns on the fly, making people actually PREPARE for things could be cool. It also allows for it to not be entirely optimal to be walking around with your gun kitted out with attachments, because you may die and lose some expensive shit. Imagine having to actually put on attachments, with some being put on and taken off at will (like a sight) and others being unchangeable (like an automatic switch, or a sawed off barrel)

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  3. -1, asked for government support and was denied (at least by me), as it would be absolutely retarded. Currently, as far as I have seen, its just people who launch prop "space ships" and walk around in gaudy space suits. They just minge and yell about space and NASA, this would bring 0 benefit to the server.

  4. 2 hours ago, Faith said:

    -1... shit should get extended, any one tryna protect him, fella admitted it was illegal himself! then after the child said no, "Imma make you that typa girl". absolute freak!




    extend it to perma, god bless

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  5. Aren't you the guy who was accused of grooming a 17 year old as a 22 year old (she leaked all your iMessage texts where you were beyond cringe, lol, discord kitten shit), left everything when you were supposedly innocent, then you come back months later, and you are STILL in her DMs after she tried to label you as a pedophile??? Reverse stockholm syndrome shit like I've never seen, holy. Get a fucking hobby, bro. 


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