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About miff

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  1. thats not how addiction works super administrators wheres the ban feature huh
  2. +1 i remember his chad chadderson character
  3. miff

    FALSe ban

    The rule contradicts itself in the images shown, I got confused and it got me banned
  4. miff

    FALSe ban

    Your Character or Steam Name: Patrick Mclean Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:565908089 Your Discord ID#: miff7345 Reason for ban: Powergame Length of ban: 1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Why should you be unbanned? In the rules it literally says "forcing unfair actions against another person using ooc means" I did not do anything or force anything against another player using ooc means. The rule contradicts eachother, this led to me getting confused and getting banned. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  5. Name of Character: Gordon Cheeseman SteamID: STEAM_0:1:565908089 Your Discord ID#: miff7345 Date of PK: 2022 September 11th Reason for PK: dons order Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be unpk'd because that mafia group is no longer a thing If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: N/A
  6. miff


    Your Name: miff SteamID: STEAM_0:1:565908089 Staff Member involved: kion por What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet Reason for blacklist (if given): i flipped over my caar with a cop trying to tase me Why should they be returned?: ill never do it again, and am very sorry i mean it from the bottom of my heart, i just want my money's worth im so sorry please give me another chance.
  7. miff

    Unban me

    nah +1 shards wouldve did the exact same thing
  8. miff

    Monte's Ban appeal

    +1 monte is my day one and dosent deserve this!
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