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Somespy last won the day on July 12 2024

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  1. +1 good guy, would like to see him come back.
  2. You were PK'd because you kept trying to flee from a police officer, which eventually led to you running two cops over. You then tried to run away after that. If you think a cop is corrupt, you can always file an IA report with the police. You can also get a lawyer to get something legal going as well. The way you handled the RP in this situation is what led to your character dying.
  3. A box in your inventory to store cassette tapes, you can make it only allow tapes to be put into it if possible. This could help since you can now make a playlist with radios.
  4. Somespy

    Ban appeal

    When I was watching, to me it looked like you slammed him into the ground. I saw your long list of POs for RDM and banned you. I apologize for this, and I now see it was a bug.
  5. Somespy

    Ban Appeal

    I banned you for 7 days because you kept coming back and running people over. Mass VDM is the same as mass RDM and it isn't just a warning since multiple people made tickets for it. I had gotten on at around 5 so your ticket didn't show up for me. They also reported you breaking NLR, which I didn't list but I was shown a clip of you coming back. If you hold tab, you can see how many staff are online. And since this is your first time getting banned, I would be fine with it getting reduced to 3 days.
  6. You did not, which is why you were kicked.
  7. Hello, here is some evidence of what happened and context Here's what I witnessed: Thomas noticed you had multiple doors Thomas told you to sell them because you can't own more than 1 room I came and said the same thing You argued with us You still didn't sell the doors You were kicked You came back and bought two rooms You were brought to a sit You said nobody told you anything and you were only kicked You lied to staff by saying that ^ With me saying you couldn't buy more than one door, I had said it at these coordinates: Notice how close they are? Thomas was also telling you through voice that you could not own them, and you said "You don't know what you're talking about". We then noticed you still hadn't sold all the doors you bought, so you were kicked. You then came back on the server and bought two rooms again. You were then brought into a sit in which you lied and said that nobody told you anything and they only kicked you. You tried to argue about the rule before you were kicked. Once you joined back, you had bought the room for a friend and then you claimed that buying a room for a friend doesn't prevent others from getting the room, but that's the opposite. It is still against the rules to do so as it prevents other people from getting that room. The fact that you said that nobody said anything to you is a flat out lie, and you tried to argue the rules with us proves that you have no regards in playing the server seriously.
  8. This is like this with every other property you can buy with f2.
  9. Somespy

    Grag Panji ban

    I was watching the whole time and that garage was not open at that time. The guy in there was hiding behind cover too, where you wouldn't be able to see him.
  10. You were PK'd because you failed to comply, you were also put under fearRP before you took your weapon out. The person you killed during that robbery was also PK'd.
  11. Somespy

    PK Appeal

    You were PK'd because you left your faction. It was a Dons orders PK, as you had agreed to the rules of that faction, and leaving could result in a PK.
  12. +1, Pretty funny roleplay. If people can dedicate a whole faction to a deli and stuff, why can't other professions be explored as well?
  13. That would probably cause a lot of lag.
  14. +1 An amazing group of roleplayers. I feel like they could bring a lot of great RP to the server.
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