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  1. +1 fucking hitler goes hard jokes aside great person he would be a good fit
  2. -1 i knew this guy from another server where me and him used to run a faction together and i am totally against his unban as i gave him trust and he broke it so i believe if you give him the trust and he comes back he will do the same thing the second a new server comes to compete with diverge.
  3. +1 i know this guy for over 3 years now and i think it’s time for him to come back he’s to be frank really really good in roleplay imo one of the best. yes he might not be perfect but it was proven the reason he was banned was due a lot of minges that got banned also making a YT vid. give this man a last chance i will bet you he will be active and be on his best behavior. i personally really like the kid and i believe this ban is very long as he already did time and seen his lesson
  4. something like a shift right click like in minecraft to add anything in the ATM would be great
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