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  1. fuck you on about with ya dick suckin ass
  2. cornholio

    Vince Deniro

    Vince DeNiro 76561199427548013 998357673357619310 04/26/24 I have no clue why I was PK'd, I was given no warnings, no indication, nothing. I should be unPK'd because of that alone. I was with some members of my family and was screwing around with them and they wanted me to come to some sit or meeting. We go there and they tell me to get up against the wall to take a pic of me, that's when I knew something was off. I get up on the wall and turns out the camera was a gun. Two of the guys walked off right before this and and when they came back is when they wanted me get on the wall. I think one of the guys was mad at me from some stuff earlier, idk he was talking shit for no reason and I wasn't playing into it. idk, that's the only reason I can think of.
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