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Kaladin Jefferys

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Everything posted by Kaladin Jefferys

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Kaladin Jefferys Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198161382545 Your Discord ID#: magnificent.tommy Reason for ban: AMRDM/NITRP Length of ban: 7 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Tonight, I was told that our family, the Laventine family, was having a meeting. As I'm sure you're aware, we swapped from being French to Muslim. At this meeting, a couple of the higher ups said that we were going to be more aggressive, then proceeded to lead us (about 10-15 members) to the bank, where the Jewish family has their base. One of them shot and killed one of our group, resulting in 3 of the Jewish family being killed. After that, we went to the club where an Italian organization was. After one of our higher ups demanded entry, of one the members of the other family opened fire, so we returned fire. Myself, along with all others involved, were under the orders of our higher ups, who said if we weren't up to this we could leave. Why should you be unbanned?: Considering that most of us were under orders from our higher ups, it makes little to no sense for multiple people of this group to be banned and Pk'd. I'm under the impression that the swap from French to Muslim was known among at least some of the admins and/or moderators, meaning these kinds of events were at least partially expected. Also, I don't believe this falls under any kind of RDM, considering there was considerable RP involved leading up to these actions, and throughout as well. RP is highly encouraged, but I, among others within my family, are being punished for participating in said RP events. I can understand if my character gets PK'd, but also receiving a 7 day ban for something the higher ups at the Laventine family ordered us to do is quite ridiculous. I hope these bans are reconsidered. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
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