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Everything posted by Noar

  1. Noar

    Legacy Enterprise

    -1 | Similar to what Tables put. I don't like the idea behind black factions because they've always been minge fests and terrible for new people who just started in the city. I say this because I remember KTH and I see a resemblance. They mugged new people and lost there interests and finally they would get new people and would get new people in trouble because they were never really cared about in there faction and left to minge with a racket all to themselves making the server unenjoyable for a lot of people. I am not biased because I was in KTH and I loved the Miami days and was very good friends with a lot of people in there but even the Don of KTH knew about this.
  2. -1 | Here is why. I think that your application is written well, but I don't understand why it would be based off the 14K when you can just have another crew because that is what this is screaming to me. I think that you are capable of leading a faction but I don't think that the city would change or benefit from this faction at all.
  3. +1 | I like the idea of Irish being in the server more. I think that you have a well enough background in the server and know what you are doing. I wish your application good luck.
  4. Noar

    staff app

    You were never staff on Atomic your application got denied there as I proved proof. Please explain that.
  5. Noar

    Add more crime

    Again, I think that we do need another racket with all of the criminal families in the server because it's getting bland for new player potential and we are not keeping new players. We need something different that a faction can get. I like what Prod had to say.
  6. Just add back Miami??? They had a little shopping mini outlet mall type thing by the PD.
  7. Noar


    1. I guess I don't understand? If you want a bigger bank account give your money to Pendy, but I understand for the none pay to win players. 2. Sounds like a roblox addon when you complete a challenge a wheel pops up and you get an award for doing something. I like the idea of side quests that people should be able to do. 3. Drugs are indeed boring on the server, but the bad part is processing them because it doesn't make sense why all drugs are processed the same.
  8. I agree with this, but I understand why the server is how it is. Because we don't want people being more overpowered than others because some peoples have lives and others don't. I understand the endurance and the stamina would come passively which would be nice. I can see this being added for the new city update. But this topic has been discussed a lot and hasn't gotten anywhere.
  9. I am very neutral for this idea for a couple reasons. I think that this is an amazing idea for when I want to grab another shipment and I think it's annoying to set an alarm on my phone to go get another shipment. On the other hand it's not really RP related and will not assist in RP what so ever. But I also understand this doesn't need to be an RP thing but I would say if it's an easy implemation add it but it's nothing to struggle over.
  10. I do like the idea a lot of another method of making money than sitting in a hotel room and sitting somewhere for 5 hours at a time to barely make a profit. But the idea seems it would take a lot and of course there are people that can RP this method and make a good living doing it correctly and when there are no staff @ 3am people do not want to play legit and want to get money the none grindy way sadly and it will be abused. I think selling cars would be cool but maybe once an hour or something because we have license plates but they're not used right now for anything really.
  11. Chat, this man has never used coke in the server.
  12. Noar

    staff app

    My apologies did not know you were austrlian, but what about the others?
  13. Noar

    Falcon' Staff App

    +1 very professional application, clearly experienced in staffing for communites and has been here long enough to know what he is doing.
  14. Noar

    staff app

    -1 But let me tell you why. You have put 0 effort into this app and that is not acceptable and not wanted on the staff team. Reason #1- You got your own steam name wrong It's "A myserious Person..." Reason #2- We asked for your SteamID not SteamID64 Reason #3- You joined a year and a half ago and only have 2 days of playtime? Reason #4- How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 4 hours (4 hours a day? 4 hours a week?) Reason #5- Spelt East wrong Reason #6- Your first paragraph comes back as 93% AI Reason #7- Your second paragraph comes back as 89% AI Reason #8- I looked at your staff app on atomic and you got denied look at this link. Reason #9- I looked on Civil networks and you were never staff on there as well. You never even put up an application. But you have been banned I beleive 8 times? Reason #10- You have been banned 4 times on our server for a collective of 18 days. Reason #11- I have no idea who you are, or ever heard of you. Reason #12- You can not read fluent english which is not a requirement but it is needed as this is an english server. I say this because the questions at the end are self explainatory and you can read them clearly if you spoke fluent english. Thank you for applying for the staff, I wish your application the best of luck. If you have any questions please respond or find my discord (bdgtyreece)
  15. Noar

    Ban Appeal.

    Hello Jake, sorry about the inconvenience about the ban. We waited 15mins for you to reconnect and after that I banned you for a short amount of time. You have no previous notes reason ban being so short.
  16. +1 very good application and will do well on the staff team. And very good recommendations
  17. In-Game Name(s): Julian K. Domain, Oliver Fynch, Hoap Giodanni Steam Name: 31B PFC Tyreece Steam Profile Link: Link Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:165157430 Discord Username: BDGTyreece Age: 19 When did you first join the server: I believe that my first connection was in 2021, started playing seriously in 2022 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 2+ weeks easily. I don't know the exact time because I am unable to connect to the server for another 3-4 days. (Weekend drill) Time Zone: CST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: I am in the national guard and am busy 1 weekend a month and 3 weeks every summer. I am a college student w/ homework but any chance that I get I play on the server which is quite often (Well over 4ish days a week) Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes, I do. Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes, very well. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes, I do. ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: My reason for wanting to join the staff team is very simple and that is I have gotten to the point in the server again where I have ran into a roadblock and joining the staff team again can fix this block. I have seen a lot of staff on the server recently and I have been loving the activity. I am a PD main and feel the need that we need more PD mains in the staff team, I know there are a few but with the new city coming soon I know that we will need more competent staff. I have been apart of this server and have staff 2 times once being on Miami and being removed because Miami died and the other I had to go to basic training and didn't have time for the server. I loved staffing for the server before and I know that I can make an excelent memeber to the staff team. With summer coming soon and me ending college I will have a lot more free time for the server and am willing to spend a lot of time on the server. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I should be accepted over other candidates because I have previous experience staffing on this server and many other servers in my past. I have played this server for a lot of my GMOD experience and have a lot of time getting to know the community and making my name well known. I am a friendly figure and I can positively say that is what I am mainly known for. I was the only player on Miami that would constantly put in hours and would be the only person on there for HOURS and when someone joined they would always be welcomed. I know how to use the staff commands very well and will not need any help doing tickets and will have minimal questions for my mentors. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): - Diverge | Moderator x2 (Full length of Miami, and a few months in NYC) - Icefuse MRP | Head Admin (2017-2022) of and on - Icefuse CWRP | Admin (About 4 months in 2022) - Venoumous Gaming | Head Manager (2016-2017) - Infinity Networks WW1 RP | Forums Manager (2-3 months full length of server) - Galatic Networks | Co-Owner (4 months full length of server) Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, I have not. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I would say that I am well known at least in the PD stide of things because I was DCoD of the department before I had to leave for basic training in July of 2023. I was the underboss in Gulfo, Medaline, and Los Zetas before the great Cartel vs. Italian war. I was staff on the server as I said previously and accepted a lot of tickets and the community got to know me very well. I was also the Fire Arms commissioner as well and ADA for a long period of time. My PD career is what made me known on the server because how active and calm minded I am compared to a lot of other people and have an amazing temper not getting upset or taking sides with someone. I was the IA Captain in Miami and in the NYPD getting my name very well known on the server. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: My favorite part of Diverge is when I was DCoD of the NYPD because this was the highest rank I have receieved in the server and this meant a lot and I knew that I could do a lot holding this title being in charge of all the bereus making sure that they are all doing good things and can fix things when they need to be fixed. I also loved the Miami map because everything about that map was fantastic visually and I had plenty of good memories due to this amazing community. I also loved being Firearms commissioner because this was my first city job other than PD and I took this job very seriously and made it the most active government job in the city. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: No, but I am close with a few staff members. ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If I am off duty I would wait for another staff to take the ticket if there are active staff on-duty. If the ticket has been up for over a minute that is way to long and needs to be dealt with. At this point in time I will swap to my staff char and then accept the ticket once I am on the staff char not a second before. Once I have accepted the ticket I will noclip to the admin boxes and ask what the problem is and request a video of said RDM and once I have seen the evidence I will then bring the person being reported and ask them their side of the story and if it doesn't line up with the video then they will be noted, and jailed for RDM for 10mins You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: No matter the severity, abusing your powers is still abusing. The person that is abusing will be reported to UA and they will be given evidence of the abuse and UA will take it from there. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: If I know someone in the ticket for some reason I could be biased towards I will ask another staff member to take the ticket for any sort of conflict of interest. Even though I know for a fact I will not be biased, another staff member will need to be notified to take the ticket and will need to prove my reason why I can not take it. I know that I will be in punished staff wised if I were to take the ticket so anything not to cause problems.
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