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Everything posted by Noar

  1. S13.exe is a fan favorite on the server I heard?
  2. +1 amazing application, best of luck brother.
  3. +1, past staff member and have been RPing with him for 5+ years now and will know he’ll be a great fit for the team
  4. +1 good app, I think you’ll be a great addition to the team.
  5. Noar

    bolts staff app

    -1 | I think that you’ll be a good staff at a later time but with 3Days on the server is not much time and simply I don’t think old enough to staff on the community but I love that you’re interested in joining the staff just not ready yet.
  6. +1 | I think this is an amazing app. Best of luck with the app.
  7. -1 I don’t think you have enough play time to be a Don w/ 2w and I think there are better applications. This server needs conflict and I don’t see good conflict coming from this
  8. Noar

    Calabria Crew

    -1 doesn’t seem like it’ll be lead well, not saying you’re a good leader but with 3w on the server that’s a lot of time but I think there are better faction applications than this by far.
  9. -1 | As a ex Cartel member, nah I'm good. 3days of Playtime.
  10. Noar

    Supreme Team

    +1, We need some heros around here.
  11. +1, Has community support and haven't had a bad interaction with.
  12. +1 | I will say this is a good application and I know you and what you do on the server. However you have been banned 3 times not only once.
  13. Noar

    Ban appeal

  14. Noar

    Ban appeal

    Hello, person who banned you here. If I recall you VDMed which I should have been more specific. This was right before server restart (5pm CST) you ran into someone which you drove by and turned back around and rammed him. I looked at your past notes and are well within the right of being banned for 3 days. If not longer. I waited 10mins+ for you to reconnect after server restart and no reconnection. I do not have this medal clip saved but will find it tomorrow once I’m home early afternoon most likely.
  15. Noar

    Cab Business

    I like this idea, b it only have like a /taxi command or something and them being forced to tip the driver
  16. Neutral | I like the idea of not having many ATMs because then it’s more risky and can get caught easier by the feds giving them more of a job and having to be more realistic for transporting drugs and weapons.
  17. We have media players but you have to purchase them via the donation website. And then have a UA make a ticket on the discord I believe? But that is the only way of my knowledge
  18. +1, I think I remember you a tad from Icefuse but if you made it to EA on one of there servers you will do plenty good here.
  19. +1, amazing guy and I know that he has been around for awhile as well knows his rules on the server. I wish you luck on your app I know this will go great.
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